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Research Article Open Access

Simulation Based WiFi Fingerprinting for Indoor Localization


Indoor localization is of great importance for a range of pervasive applications, such as tracking and positioning inside buildings. Although global positioning system (GPS) works extremely well for an open-air localization, it does not perform effectively in indoor environments due to the disability of GPS signal to penetrate inbuilding materials. Indoor localization using inexpensive, non-dedicated wireless devices has spun great attention in the last years. Nowadays ubiquitous presence of Wi-Fi access points in offices, college campus and homes are utilized with a wifi compatible hardware device. This paper mainly focuses on an enhanced wifi indoor positioning system using hardware device. Here we propose a technique to determine the position of users in indoor areas based on Wi-Fi signal strengths from access points (AP) within the indoor vicinity. The percentage of signal strengths obtained from Wi-Fi analyzers in a hardware device were used to find the location from a predetermined database. Here we use Nearest Neighbour Algorithm for finding the location of user from received RSSI value.

Sojan Francis P, Anju Jayakar