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Research Article Open Access

Simulation & Comparative Analysis of Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter Using Sinusoidal PWM


In industrial application there are requirements of such apparatus which could work at higher power and higher voltages. Traditionally we have been using two level inverters. These inverters are found not fit in case of high voltage. Multilevel inverter become very popular for high voltage and high power application. These multilevel start from three level converters. The concepts of these multilevel converter is that to achieve high power to use a series of power semiconductor switches with several lower voltage dc source to perform the power conversion by synthesizing a staircase voltage waveform. However, the output voltage is smother with smaller harmonics. At more level inverter the system become more complex and difficult to control but total harmonic distortion (THD) become reduced. In this paper, study of five level or seven level inverter with SPWM is investigated using MATLAB.

Ravindra Kumar Tiwari, Er. Vinaykumar Tripathi