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Research Article Open Access

Soil Moisture Sensor Design for Crop Management System by Using Cellular Communication


Irrigation refers to the supplying water to the dry land as a supplementation of rain water. It is mainly aimed for cultivation. There are various types of systems of irrigation practices in different parts of India. Irrigation in India is carried on through wells, tanks, canals, Perennial canal; Multi-purpose river valley projects etc. Irrigation can be defined as human manipulation of the hydrologic cycle to improve crop production and quality and to decrease economic efforts of drought. Irrigation is the artificial application of water to plants for their growth and maturity. Irrigation water is supplied to supplement the water available from rainfall and the contribution of soil moisture from ground water. Irrigation water can come from nearby rivers or underground water (groundwater) or storage ponds specifically designed to collect High River flows during winter. Pipes, channels and wells dug into the ground allow water to be taken from its source to the farms, vineyards and orchards where it will be used. Today a diverse range of ever-evolving technologies exist to efficiently apply irrigation water to crops. How much water is used depends on the type of crop, the soil in which the crop is being grown and the amount of rainfall in that area. Rainfall is the primary sources of water for irrigation. It is not available though out the year. The stored rain water either in tank or in subsurface is used as resources of irrigation water for an indefinite period. Following are the sources of irrigation water.

B.Vamsi Krishna , K.Priyanka

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