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Research Article Open Access

Soldering Process is one of the Most Important Methods Used for Joining Electronic Components In Electronic Devices


The structure, electrical resistivity, oxidation and corrosion behavior of the Sn-Pb eutectic alloy has been determined in this paper. The results can be summarized in the following notes: The alloy exhibited two phase mixtures, cubic lead as a solid solution and tetragonal tin. The lattice parameter, a of Pb was calculated and found to be 4.935 Å, which is a smaller value compared with that of pure Pb. The alloy exhibited Ohmic behavior and has electrical resistivity 24.6 μΩ.cm at room temperature. The resistivity increased linearly with temperature and the temperature coefficient of resistivity was calculated and found to be 11x 10-3 C-1. Oxidation behavior of the Sn-Pb eutectic alloy was described through the weight gain with time during the TGA test. Rate of the weight gain was found to be decreased with increasing aging time after the first 20 minutes due to the formation of oxide layer which may act as a protective layer and prevent further oxidation. The alloy exhibited good corrosion resistance for long run.

Ruhbakhsh Yahoo

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