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Research Article Open Access

Study of Grid connected PV Power Generation Inverter Control System with MPPT Method


this paper presents the experimental model of grid connected PV power generation inverter control system. On the basis of experimental study of power output side of photovoltaic grid connected generator system, it is seen that in photovoltaic (PV) power generation, partial shading is an unavoidable complication that significantly reduces the efficiency of the overall system. The complication can be resolved by using maximum power point tracking technique. On using the maximum power point tracking technique, the effectiveness of improved PWM inverter control method is analyzed. Considering the result of experiments, a single phase grid connected Improved PWM inverter control system is designed. The result of the simulations performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK software shows that the improved PWM inverter control system can effectively control the grid current sine waveform using the less computationally demanding harmonic suppression technique. It can achieve the maximum power point tracking. The simulations are performed for a 10 volts system and after analyzing the simulation results, the system is implemented in hardware. After the comparison of simulation model and actual hardware for 10 volts system we implemented the system for 1000 volts. The proposed hardware is able to put the arbitrary power out to the load or to the grid to maintain the stability and reliability of the power system.

M. S.Thakare, M. D. Khardenvis, V.M.Jape

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