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Research Article Open Access

Survey of Brain Computer Interaction


A brain computer interface (BCI), often called a mind machine interface (MMI), or sometimes called a brain machine interface (BMI), is a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device. Over the past decade, researches have begun to explore brain computer interface (BCI) technology which is a new communication option for the people who are paralyzed or „locked in‟. These types of persons prevent from using conventional augmentative communication methods. In BCI, user‟s communication channels do not depend on peripheral nerves and muscles. Brain computer interface (BCI) systems provide communication and control capabilities to people with severe disabilities. Current BCI‟s use electroencephalographic (EEG) activity recorded at the scalp or single unit activity which record from within cortex to control cursor movement, select letters or icons. BCI operation depends on effective interaction between two adaptive controllers, the user who encodes his or her commands in the electrophysiological input provided to the BCI, and the BCI which recognizes the commands contained in the input and expresses them in device control. Current BCI‟s have maximum information transfer rates of 5–25 b/min. BCI technology depends on the development of appropriate applications, identification of appropriate user groups, and careful attention to the needs and desires of individual users.

Vrushali R Pavitrakar

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