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Research Article Open Access

Survey On Mixed-Domain Edge-Aware Image Manipulation


In Image Processing, a variety of edge-aware image manipulation techniques are used. It has received much attention in the computer graphics community. The rationale behind mixed-domain image manipulation approach is to process or filter images without destroying or blurring the important features such as edges. This technique processes a Gaussian pyramid from coarse to fine, and at each level, it applies a non-linear filter bank to the neighbourhood of each and every pixel. The results of these spatially varying filters are combined by global optimization. It uses a precise mixed domain approach for the optimization problem. This technique can be applied to several areas such as image smoothing, detail and contrast manipulation, non-photorealistic rendering, HDR compression etc. This avoids all the unsightly artifacts on the images. Further development in the field of edge-aware image manipulation techniques will absolutely helps to resolve the complex image processing tasks to a much greater extend. Here it describes the leading improvement in edge-aware image manipulation techniques for advanced research.

Ms. Lidiya Augustine Mrs. Nagalakshmi Venugopal

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