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Research Article Open Access

Survey on Security Issues in Cognitive Radio Network


The wireless communications are generating the spectrum shortage problems with the Reference to the latest developments. The more challenges in the use of licensed wireless networks or unlicensed wireless networks with opportunistic use of the spectrum with limited rules or without limited rules. The different frequency bands are used by different wireless networks. So it’s very important to use attenuation bands when there is no activity occurs on them. A new technology which leads like Cognitive radio is to solve these problems through dynamically utilization of rules and spectrum. Several spectrum sharing schemes have been proposed in cognitive radio. The major and challenging issues are security in cognitive radio network. The attackers in cognitive radio technology as compared to the wireless networks in a general form chances are prearranged. Mobile station equipment may switch to any available frequency band in the cognitive radio, and make list of free channel and take handoff decision. So whenever handoff is made there will be a chance that malicious attacker may hack ongoing traffic. He may even break off established traffic by imitating any kind of active or passive attack like spoofing denial of service, interception etc. This paper discovers the key challenges to give security in cognitive radio networks. And discusses the current security carriage of rising IEEE 802.22 cognitive radio typical and recognizes security threats and vulnerabilities along with the countermeasures and solutions.

Pooja Dubey, Bhupendra Singh Thakur, Sapna Chaudhary

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