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Research Article Open Access

The Surprising Consequences of the ALF when Considered in the Context of Two Individually Moving Particles Coupled to Each Other


The Abraham Lorentz Force (ALF) is one of the basic forces discussed in electrodynamics and is the recoil force of a single charged particle emitting radiation under acceleration. The Abraham Lorentz force is a consequence of the conservation of momentum in a system of moving charged particles. This force has been relatively neglected in the literature, where most of the analysis has been limited to one particle systems. However, when the effects of the ALF are analyzed in the context of two particle interacting a surprising consequence arises: the Abraham Lorentz force, through induced magnetic emissions, will propagate through matter in a manner which is analogous to a compression wave that is transmitted from one recoiling particle triggering the adjacent particle through electromagnetic induction. This effect produces an attractive force between all interacting particles, and also predicts a sort of “supergravity” between matter and antimatter which causes them to attract each other at a greater rate than between matter and matter under certain conditions. This supergravity may be used to test the validity of the theory as applied to gravity

Ed Chen, Tara Cronin

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