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Research Article Open Access

Third Bit Complement (TBC) Mechanism to Reduce Bit Stuffing Jitter in Controller Area Network (CAN)


A In spite of wide usage of controller area network (CAN) in the embedded networked control system, nondeterministic response time have restricted the wider use of CAN in safety-critical real time systems, since the CAN uses Non Return to Zero (NRZ) coding and includes a bit-stuffing mechanism, which causes the CAN frame length to become a complex function of the data contents. To minimize CAN response-time jitter and make the transmission time fixed value according to the number of bytes in the data field, many techniques have been suggested as XOR masking , Software Bit Stuffing (SBS), inversion bit stuffing mechanism (IBSM) and Eight-to-Eleven Modulation (EEM), in this paper a novel alternative method known as Third Bit Complement (TCB) is used for “bit stuffing” to prevent hard-ware bit stuffing in the data field part completely, the new technique was compared with previous available techniques showing that six data bytes can be inserted in the data part compared with five bytes in SBS and EEM techniques.

Maha Medhat Hassan