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Research Article Open Access

To Study the Trend and Behaviour Analysis of Indian Equity Market Using Elliott Wave Principle and Fibonacci sequence


The Indian capital Market has witnessed a tremendous growth. An important recent development has been the Entry of Foreign Institutional investors are participants to the primary and secondary markets for the securities. In the past several years, investments in developing countries have increased remarkably. Among the developing countries India has received considerable capital inflows in recent years. The liberalization policy of the government of India has now started fielding results and the country is poised for a big leap in the industrial and economic growth. The Economy of the country is mainly based on the development of the corporate sectors. A better understanding of the stock market trend will facilitate allocation of financial sources to the most profitable investment opportunity. The behavior of stock returns will enable the investors to make appropriate investment decisions. The fluctuations of stock returns are due to several economic and non-economic factors. The study is aimed at ascertaining the behaviour of share returns. This paper analyses the equity share fluctuations in India. It also measures the strength of the trend and the money involved in investing in the stocks. Elliott Wave Principle along with Fibonacci sequence is applied for selected companies which would give the investor a sell signal or buy signal. In India most of the industries require huge amount of investments. Funds are raised mostly through the issue of share. An investor is satisfied from the reasonable return from investment in shares. Speculation involves higher risks to get return on the other hand investment involves no such risks and returns will be fair. An investor can succeed in his investment only when he is able to select the right shares. The investors should keenly watch the situations like market price, economy, company progress, returns, and the risk involved in a share before taking decision on a particular share. This study made will help the investors know the behaviour of share prices and thus can succeed.

Dr. Pooja Talreja

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