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Research Article Open Access

Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) Design for High Speed in 130 Nm Technology for Optical Communication


The demand for high-speed data throughput and high interconnection densities in high-end computing systems due to recent explosive increase in data traffic on the Internet is rapidly growing. In regard to next-generation high-end computing systems, a data transmission speed of over 20 Gb/s is believed. However, the CMOS transimpedance amplifiers technology can be used in fiber-optic applications that require high data rate transmission would benefit from utilizing high-speed analogue front-end components for improving bandwidth and Group delay of transimpedance over the 130nm technology. A simple approach in this paper is to enhance the bandwidth of TIA architecture to improve the group delay variation and power consumption using multistage bandwidth-enhancement circuit techniques over the 130nm CMOS technology. The different-different improvement in TIA architectures such as RGC, RTRN network, nested feedback, are studied in detail and simulated to improve the frequency response of the TIA.

Adarsh Kumar Sahu, Vipin Gupta

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