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Special Issue Article Open Access

Traveling Salesman Problem Solved Using Bio Inspired Algorithms (ABC)


The travelling salesman problem is said to be an NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization, important in research and theoretical computer science. Bio- inspired algorithms such as Ant colony Optimization, Bee Colony Optimization, cuckoo Search Optimization three algorithms were used and their performances are compared to obtain solution. The main objective is to find a cyclic permutation that minimizes the cost of visiting every node only once. And reduce the complexities faced in existing. Provide the optimal result for the travelling salesman problem. In this paper we present techniques to solve this problem, a tabu search based algorithm and bio algorithm. The results of both techniques are shown and compared to decide which one of the two alternatives gets better results. A dynamic nearest neighbourhood search method used to solve combinatorial optimization problems.

S. Saranya, R. Priya Vaijayanthi

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