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Research Article Open Access

Use of Solar PV and Hybrid System in IUT Library – A Case Study


The need and importance of use of energy-particularly electricity at increasingly higher quantities and rates can hardly be overemphasized in order to accelerate the growth of socioeconomic development. Electricity is mostly, generated in power plant by burning conventional fuels: coal, oil, gas, biomass or using hydro potential or in the nuclear power plant through nuclear fission. The conventional sources are finite and their prices fluctuate. The sources pollute environment and cause global warming up. Renewable and environment friendly energy sources like: solar PV, wind, tide etc. therefore, drawing attentions of the technologists and the policy makers to meet everincreasing demand of electricity and at the same the keep the consequent environment degradation to an acceptable level. Among all the renewable sources solar is more appropriate for Bangladesh especially solar photovoltaic (PV) due to her position in the tropical region. To make the electricity supply of IUT more efficient solar PV can be a useful source. So IUT library had been chosen as a case study. Solar photovoltaic along with grid supply can be combined to generate a hybrid system which will produce optimum energy mix.

Asif Hassan, Nasif Mahmud, Ahmed Tashfin Iftekhar, MdShamiur Rahman,FayekTasneem Khan

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