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Research Article Open Access

Utilization of Solar Infernos for Efficient Working of the Equipment Used At the Time of A Disaster


Although there is increase in science & technology, it is impossible to stop natural disasters but can prevent the extent of human and heritage loss with proper communicative measures. At times, when a great havoc occurs in any part of the globe, there is a possibility of power failure, and all other systems based on it. To overcome this and to help mankind we have no other go, but to go for H.A.M radio. Though it is outdated, at disastrous times it is updated, because it works even if no power is available on HF & VHF frequencies i.e. from 3MHz—300MHz. This paper enhances the use of solar power for effective communication and considering ionosphere which plays a key role in enhancing HF frequency. As ionization increases communication will be more effective. The HF frequency goes to every nook and corner, as they previously couldn’t. The disaster in sun due to imbalance in magnetic field develops spots called sunspots. The flare ejects clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms through the corona of the sun into space. The solar dust reaches the earth within a day or two after this event. This solar dust causes more ionization in ionosphere region of the earth. These ionized atmospheric layers reflect HF waves more effectively which is useful for improved communication.

S.S.S Kalyan, S. Shanmukha Madhava, S. S. Satya Parthiva

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