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Research Article Open Access

Web- based learning innovations through Pedagogical Attributes


In this technological world, Learning has been made ease with of E-Learning. E-Learning is booming a wide in websites which leads to valuable learning. It is referred to the intentional use of networked information and communications technology in teaching and learning. Web-based E-Learning offers academics to raise maintenance-related knowledge and competence. E-Learning websites shows its tremendous growth in educational field and it should gratify all the pedagogical attributes. Pedagogy refers to the correct use of instructive strategies. The website that satisfies the Pedagogical attributes must be considered as the innovative E-Learning website. The website has to be checked with regard to its Learning objectives with the topic types as Knowledge, Attitude, and Skill, Meta-learning and Pedagogical methods with the topic types as Drill, Presentation, Tutorials, Gaming, and Demonstration using Pedagogical Attribute. Learning objectives and Pedagogical methods of Pedagogical attributes are very important in the web portal to give the E-Learning in more effective manner. The main aim of this paper is to make E-Learning websites booming in learning. This paper has made a study about the attributes of Pedagogical representation and a case study about how effective; the E-Learning has been made with “Education” column of ‘W3Schools’ web portal (online).


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