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Case Report Open Access

Modified Mintchews Method to Control Chronic Cervico Vaginal Prolapse in a Post-Partum GIR Cow: A Case Report


Chronic prolapse of the vaginal and cervix is observed after parturition and rarely occurs unconnected with pregnancy and parturition. Cervico vaginal prolapse is most commonly observed in large animals especially in cows and buffaloes with the visible parts of the vaginal and cervix protruding through the vulva with varying degrees of nature. Early attempt to treat the case leads to prompt recovery without much complication, however in delayed cases the intensity of the degree increases and neglected cases leads to a contaminated, necrosis of the vaginal mucous membrane with urine accumulation and severe inflammation and infection as in the present case. A Gir cow on its third lactation three months post-partum treated for chronic Vagino-Cervical prolapse with repeated vulval retention suture was presented and the same was examined and new modified technique of “Mintchews method” of dorsal vagino-pexy was employed after suitable restraining. Following the postoperative therapy and treatment with pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs an uneventful recovery after two weeks was recorded.

Ezakial NR, Sankar P, Senthilkumar G, Jayakumar K, Rishikesavan R and Ponnuswamy KKP

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