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2022: Volume 7, Issue 3

Research Article:  J Clin Med Case Stud
Evaluation of The Use of Tranexamic acid to Reduce Blood Loss in Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
Ramzan Judge*, Rabiul Ryan, Eddie El-Yussif
Case Report:  J Clin Med Case Stud
Use of Tranexamic Acid for The Treatment of ACE Inhibitor Induced Angioedema
Ramzan Judge*, Matthew Freidel, Farhan Qadeer
Research Article:  J Clin Med Case Stud
Isolation of Canine Distemper Virus from Clinical Domestic Dogs in Addis Ababa Pet Clinics, Ethiopia
Mesfin Shurbe*, Daniel Gizaw, Anwar Hassen
Commentary:  J Clin Med Case Stud
An Overview on Epilepsy
Nicholas Kadriyan
Commentary:  J Clin Med Case Stud
Brief Note on Clinical Trails
Mohsin Shafie