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2023: Volume 11, Issue 2

Opinion Article:  J Zool Sci
Exploring the Link between Genetics and Evolution in Zoological Sciences
Stephen Joseph *
Perspective Article:  J Zool Sci
The Importance of Silk Production in Today's World
Wei Chung*
Opinion Article:  J Zool Sci
Venomous Centipedes: Identification, Symptoms and Treatment
Wei Chung*
Perspective Article:  J Zool Sci
Comparative Anatomy and Physiology: Understanding the Diversity of Life
Erica Jenner*
Opinion Article:  J Zool Sci
The Significance of Sustainable Animal Husbandry for a Growing World
Erica Jenner*
Perspective Article:  J Zool Sci
Aquaculture and Sustainability: Balancing Production and Environmental Impact
Subhash Hu*
Opinion Article:  J Zool Sci
Birds and Biodiversity: The Vital Role of Birds in Ecosystem Function
Emily Cooper
Opinion Article:  J Zool Sci
The use of Molecular Techniques in Nematode Identification and Classification
Hyuang Shin Lin
Commentary:  J Zool Sci
Insects, Algae and Plants: Enhanced Poultry Health and Productivity
Jane Jun Wook
Short Communication:  J Zool Sci
Ocean Acidification and Fisheries: Challenges and Strategies
Lucy Frost