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2023: Volume 11, Issue 3

Perspective Article:   J Zool Sci
Consequences and Impact of Illicit Wildlife Trafficking on Biodiversity and Human Health
Karuna Choudary
Commentary:  J Zool Sci
Techniques and Technologies for Fossil Examination
Meng Choi
Commentary:   J Zool Sci
The Genomics Revolution in Zoological Sciences
Rakesh Pilaini
Perspective Article:  J Zool Sci
Trailblazing Conservation: AI-Driven Animal Tracking Innovations
Nicholas Francis
Opinion Article:  J Zool Sci
Managing the Menace: Strategies for Controlling Invasive Species
George Welson
Research Article:  Res Rev J Zool Sci
Atmospheric Changes on the Activity of African Elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) in the Farming Area of Mount Cameroon National Park, Southwest Region, Cameroon
Melle Ekane Maurice1*, Tadida Elvis Chembonui1, Fominka Tajoacha Nestor1, Agbor James Ayamba1, Kamah Pascal Bumtu1, Esther Eyong Mbi Arrabi2, Che Scholastica Nchang2, Aganya Benedatte Eyama2, Tashe Vanesa Nwah2