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Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (124)
image Delelegn, g. m. "assessment of physical and chemical contents of textile sludge and associated risks on public health: in case of common effluent treatment plant (cetp)." res rev j ecol environ sci 6 (2018): 21-26.
image Menbere, milkiyas petros, and timar petros menbere. "industrial wastes and their management challenges in ethiopia." institutions 11.8 (2019): 1-6.
image Asikin, s., et al. "peta geologi daerah penelitian."
image Sanneh, s., et al. "wolbachia infected anthropophilic mosquitoes in the gambia are not infected with filarial nematode." african journal of biotechnology 19.8 (2020): 520-531.
image Muthee, k., et al. "ecosystem-based adaptation practices as a nature-based solution to promote water-energy-food nexus balance. sustainability 2021, 13, 1142." (2021).
image Sehah, muhammad, sukmaji anom raharjo, and fajar destiani. "interpretation of 2d-subsurface resistivity data in the iron ore prospect area of eastern binangun coastal, regency of cilacap, central jawa." journal of geoscience, engineering, environment, and technology 3.4 (2018): 214-220.
image Sehah, sehah, sukmaji anom raharjo, and abdullah nur aziz. "coastal hydrogeological model in the iron ore prospect area of widarapayung coastal, cilacap regency based on 2d-resistivity data." jurnal penelitian fisika dan aplikasinya (jpfa) 8.2 (2018): 71-83.
image Sonko, ebrima, et al. "subsistence farmer knowledge of strategies alleviating food insecurity in the context of climate change in the lower river region of the gambia." food security 12.3 (2020): 607-624.
image Sonko, ebrima, et al. "farmer choice of strategies alleviating food insecurity due to changing weather patterns." (2019).
image Muthee, kennedy, et al. "ecosystem-based adaptation practices as a nature-based solution to promote water-energy-food nexus balance." sustainability 13.3 (2021): 1142.
image Yebouet, orlando franck, et al. "assessment of the diversity and abundance of bacterial population and its correlation with medium chain fatty acids production from fermentation of two leachate qualities." bioresource technology reports 16 (2021): 100840.
image Cyril, kouadio marc, et al. "characterization of the parameters and estimation of potential biogas of a landfill in tropical area: case study of the principal landfill of abidjan akouedo landfill." research & reviews: journal of ecology and environmental sciences 6.1 (2018): 43-49.
image Yeshitela, kumelachew. "abebe tufa angessa, brook lemma &."
image Kefalew, tamiru, mulugeta betemariyam, and motuma tolera. "conversion of natural forests to farmlands and its associated woody species diversity and carbon stocks in a span of 33 years (1984 to 2016): in the case of southwestern ethiopia." f1000research 10.227 (2021): 227.
image Tadele, abiyu, et al. "assessment of trypanocidal drug resistance in tsetse infested areas of guraferda district, bench maji zone, south western ethiopia." international journal of agricultural extension 7.2 (2019): 149-158.
image Belete, fikire, melesse maryo, and alemtshay teka. "land use/land cover dynamics and perception of the local communities in bita district, south western ethiopia." international journal of river basin management just-accepted (2021): 1-30.
image Dejene, t., et al. "farmers’ perception towards farm level rubber tree planting: a case study from guraferda, south–western ethiopia." for. res. eng. int. j 2 (2018): 192-196.
image Angessa, abebe tufa, brook lemma, and kumelachew yeshitela. "land-use and land-cover dynamics and their drivers in the central highlands of ethiopia with special reference to the lake wanchi watershed." geojournal 86.3 (2021): 1225-1243.
image Abdelmoniem, m., et al. "characterization of the best consolidation material for black resin for the late period coffin." scientific culture 6.1 (2020): 1-7.
image Desye, belay, et al. "efficiency of treatment plant and drinking water quality assessment from source to household, gondar city, northwest ethiopia." journal of environmental and public health 2021 (2021).