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Peng Li

Peng Li

Peng Li
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
The University of Queensland



Dr. Peng Li was awarded his Bachelor degree from Wuhan University of Technology (Hubei, China) in 2002, Master degree from Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) in 2005, and Ph.D degree from Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) in 2013. Having extensive industrial engagement with reowned organizations such as SP Technical Institute of Sweden (now named RISE Research Institute of Sweden), Tsinghua Science Park (Zhuhai), etc. throughout his research activities, his research interest focuses on functional nanomaterials, more specifically, synthetic nanoclay, polymers, clay-matrix nanocomposites, etc., with industrialization potential in in various disciplines.


Research Interest

Functional nanomaterials, more specifically, synthetic nanoclay, polymers, clay-matrix nanocomposites, etc., with industrialization potential in in various disciplines.