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Cervical Cancer Screening and Classification Using Acoustic Shadowing

N.Sakthi Priya
Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE, Bharath University, Chennai, TamilNadu, India.
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Cervical cancer is one of the deadliest cancers known and is also a key research area in image processing. The main problem with this cancer is that it cannot be detected as it doesn’t throw any symptoms until the final stages. This is attributed to the cancer itself and also to the lack of pathologists available to screen the cancer. Here we have proposed a novel approach to classify the various malignancies in cervical images using acoustic shadowing.For classification we have used SVM classifier that would help us to classify the stages of the cancer and help the pathologist detect the cancer better.The proposed image has been tested with a set of images and has proved to be efficient.



Cervical cancer, cervix, acoustic shadowing, trim mean filter, ROI


Cervical cancer has become one of the major causes of death among women worldwide. It can be cured when it is
detected and treated in its earlier stage. But for most of the cases it throws symptoms only in the advanced stages. The
traditional visual procedures are time consuming and error prone. Further it is impossible for a handful pair of eyes to
sit and screen each and every woman on the planet. To solve this problem we need some automated process that could
accelerate the process and also produce accurate results. The automated system would consist of three phases [1]
namely pre-processing phase for noise removal, segmentation phase to identify the cells and to separate nucleus and
cytoplasm and feature extraction phase to identify and locate the cancerous cells which is shown in figure 1.
Image segmentation is a very important image analysis task by which you can decompose the image into disjoint
regions so that the features within each region have strong statistical correlation, visual similarity and reasonable
homogeneity. Image segmentation algorithms may be classified into number of groups depending on their
segmentation techniques like feature thresholding, region based techniques, contour based techniques, clustering
techniques [2]-[12] etc. All these approaches have their own set of advantages and limitations in terms of performance,
computational cost, applicability and suitability. Since the detection of cervical cancer mainly depends on the results of
segmentation phase this paper mainly concentrates on segmentation techniques. Each segmentation algorithm works
well for certain class of images and not for all images.
Classification of medical images using textural classification have been successfully performed various medical images
such as breast cancer, liver cancer, lung disease etc., [13 -17]. Textural features looks directly into the compensation of
the image itself, hence it reveals a lot about the image. Here we utilize SVM to classify the features extracted.Support
vector machines (SVMs) are a set of related supervised learning methods which analyze data and recognize patterns,
used for statistical classification and regression analysis. Since an SVM is a classifier, then given a set of training
examples, each marked as belonging to one of two categories, an SVM training algorithm builds a model that predicts
whether a new example falls into one category or the other. Intuitively, an SVM model is a representation of the
examples as points in space, mapped so that the examples of the separate categories are divided by a clear gap that is as
wide as possible.
New examples are then mapped into that same space and predicted to belong to a category based on which side of the
gap they fall on. More formally, a support vector machine constructs a hyper plane or set of hyper planes in a high or
infinite dimensional space, which can be used for classification, regression or other tasks. Intuitively, a good separation


A. Input Image

The input image is an ultrasound image. Normally the image is in gray scale. A sample cervical image is shown

B. Pre-Processing

The Input Image presents a set of weak features which need to be strengthened so that features can be extracted more
accurately. Also to reduce the running time it is better that we concentrate only on the regions of interest rather than the
whole image. There are numerous methods like edge detection methods and fuzzy clustering proposed for isolating
these regions of interest [1]-[11]. Anyone of these methods technique can be used for isolating the regions of interest.
The pre-processing technique first converts the image to Gray scale color model and then filters the noise with the help
of trim mean filter. Trim mean filter is the hybrid of mean and median filter. At the end we end up getting an image as
shown in fig 3 [18].
Now that the ROI is isolated from the rest of the image we can extract the features better.

C. Feature Extraction

Cervical cancer like all other cancers develops through a series of stages. The first stage is the nucleoplasm stage which
is the outcome of unwanted mitosis process. The second stage is called the pre-cancerous stage where the unwanted
cells clump to form denser regions and in turn form tumors. This is the stage where normally cancers are detected. The
last stage is the Cancer stage which is the advanced stage and survival is not guaranteed. To detect cancer in each stage
you need different features and hence we in this paper have embodied a set of unique features that will not only say
where the cell has symptoms of cancer but also it would tell at what stage the cancer is in.
1) Mean: In the pre-cancerous stage, cells clump together to become denser and in turn form tumors. Using the
mean feature extraction we can easily detect when this particular process starts. When you look at a cervical cell it
would be light shaded. But if you put two or more cells on top of it, it would look as if it is darker. In order to find these
darker elements we use a histogram h(v) to chart the distribution of colors in the image. Then the mean of the color
frequency distribution is determined by
image (1)
2) Standard deviation: Standard deviation is same as mean except for the fact it tends to take into account the total
number of pixels or in other words the population and sees how much it deviates from the neighboring cells. This
statistical data can tell the difference between a cell and its neighbors and is determined by [19]
image (2)
3) Skewness: Each cell process a unique shape. But when cells clump together they lose their shape and become
irregularly shaped. This normally happens at the onset of the pre-cancerous stage and is determined by [19]
image (3)
4)Kurtosis: When the cancer enters the precancerous stage, tumors start to grow. Tumors are normally denser than
normal cells as they are 3 dimensional. To detect these tumors we must first detect the density which is determined by
image (4)
5) Acoustic Shadowing: In an ultrasound image, the absence of echoes produced by the presence of dense material,
such as calculi, which impede the transmission of sound waves. It is often used to detect biliary calculi.
Acoustic Shadowing occurs when the sound wave encounters a very echo dense structure; nearly all of the sound is
reflected, resulting in an acoustic shadow.

D. Classification

Support vector machines (SVM) are a set of related supervised learning methods which analyze data and recognize
patterns, used for statistical classification and regression analysis. SVM is a classifier which constructs a hyper plane or set of hyper planes in a high or infinite dimensional space, which can be used for classification. When given a set of
training examples, each marked as belonging to one of two categories. SVM training algorithm builds a model that
predicts whether a new example falls into one category or the other.


The proposed algorithm extracts features from the image more accurately. The proposed method can detect the cancer
in earlier stages. By detecting cancer in earlier stage, we can save many lives.

Figures at a glance

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
