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Female Education and it's Complications in Past Decades

Leigh Seung*

Department of Educational Studies, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author:
Leigh Seung
Department of educational studies,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University,

Received: 29-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. JES-22-83823; Editor assigned: 02-Dec-2022, PreQC No. JES-22-83823 (PQ); Reviewed: 16-Dec-2022, QC No. JES-22-83823; Revised: 23-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. JES-22-83823(R); Published: 30-Dec-2022, DOI: 10.4172/JES.8.7.005

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About the Study

The phrase "female education" is used to refer to a wide range of complicated problems and discussions involving the education of girls and women, particularly in the areas of primary, secondary, postsecondary, and health education. It is commonly referred to as women's education or education for girls. It covers topics like access to education and gender equality. The reduction of poverty has a significant relationship with the education of women and girls. Single-sex education and religious education for women, in which education is segregated along gender lines, are larger connected subjects.

Violence against women

Between 1900 and 1940, Sweden saw a rise in governmental concern over violence against female teachers. Women made up 66 percent of the teaching force in Sweden by 1900; many of them were sent in remote rural locations where they had to deal with isolation and the fear of male aggression. The issue of arming teachers with security dogs, firearms, and telephones was one that was discussed by politicians, teachers, and female authors.

A woman's formal education level and her propensity to experience violence were found to be adversely associated in Pakistan (After, 2013). The researcher used the subject-selection method of snowball convenient sampling. Due to privacy and ethical concerns, this strategy was the most practical. An informant was used to acquire information, which was then cross-checked. The sample of victims of abuse consisted of married women from both rural and urban populations, ranging in age from 18 to 60. The study provided an understanding of what women experience, even across groups, and described many forms of physical violence that are already in use (rural and urban). This study placed a strong emphasis on education as the answer to and a prerequisite for ending violence. It is necessary to talk about social and political barriers.

The relationship is far more nuanced than it first appears, and illiterate women can nonetheless achieve empowerment. Immigrant Latina Women (ILW) underwent an 11-week programme focused on self-esteem, domestic abuse awareness, and healthy relationships as part of a qualitative study that involved 8 to 10 participant groups at a time. ILWs are a particularly vulnerable population when it comes to domestic abuse. This programme placed a heavy focus on communication, critical thinking, and mental health-areas that should be taught in schools, despite taking place outside of a typical classroom. Despite the fact that many of the women were illiterate, they were also able to strengthen their sense of self-control as an important life skill.

Women's empowerment

The administration, curriculum, and personnel of educational institutions differ, yet they all have an impact on the children they serve. Formal education has developed into a symbol of advancement and a step toward gender equity as women's rights have increased. True gender parity requires a holistic approach, which must be used. It can occasionally become dominant and lead to the suppression of knowledge about how context, history, and other variables affect women in discussions about girl power and women's education as remedies for ending violence against women and economic dependency on men. For instance, when Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state, linked the tragedies of Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan and the kidnapping of children in Chibok, Nigeria, by emphasizing on girls' education, history and context were overlooked. The only thing that was thought to have contributed to Malala being shot was the fact that she was a female student. Nothing was spoken about US influence, poverty, or the instability and corruption of the government.

Impact on socio-economic development

Within international development, a substantial area of research focuses on the socioeconomic effects of female education. High levels of development are frequently correlated with increases in the number of female students in a region. A few of the consequences are connected to economic growth. Women with higher levels of education make more money, which raises the GDP. Other consequences have anything to do with societal advancement. Girls' education has numerous positive social effects, many of which are connected to women's empowerment.