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Mohd Aderi Che Noh*, Khadijah Abdul Razak, Mohd Yunus Kasim

Industry and Community Partnerships, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author:
Mohd Aderi Che Noh
Industry and Community Partnerships, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Malaysia
Tel: +6013 3360990

Received:11 August 2015 Accepted: 21 October 2015 Published: 28 October 2015

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Teaching, Self-formation, Impact, Student


Lecturers are individuals who play an important role in the process of teaching and learning in an educational institution. According to Mahadi and Norliah, lecturers are instructors who teach students in public institutions or private [1]. Lecturers determine the learning direction so that it will be parallel to the objectives set, even being an important learning model to the students [2]. to realize these expectations, then the lecturers should respond to improve the quality of teachers by emphasizing the emotional and spiritual. According to Rahaila, lecturer task is not just simply to give multiple facts, but also need to guide the prospective teachers to understand and, more importantly, be able to appreciate the knowledge given [3]. In addition lecturers should be creative and sensitive to the effectiveness of the teaching techniques used [4]. Experienced, pr of essional, accessible and friendly lecturers will make trainee teachers happy and comfortable undergoing teaching training [5].

Besides, lecturer must lead by example and have high competence as IPG is claimed to produce teachers who have the image of teaching pr of essionalism, even reaching out to produce teachers who have high towering personality, which means they have higher personality compared with others [6]. Therefore, the need for a lecturer to implement elements of competence cannot be underestimated. Malaysian Teacher Standard is the teacher training curriculum contains important documents which has been drawn up in a manner so that it is in line with the mission of the Ministry of Education, National Education Philosophy and direction of the agency and training institutions, in order to produce teachers who are competent and have a personality that meets the needs and aspirations of the country

The quality of the lecturers who have academic and pr of essional qualifications is one of the successful factors in producing quality teachers. According to Mahamod et al., among the criteria for effective teacher is has pr of ound knowledge about the contents of the subjects taught [7]? Halim and Khairul have listed four key components that form the foundation of readiness need on a teacher in the teaching and learning environment [8]. These principles are the mastery of knowledge, skills in teaching and learning, motivation and positive personality. Kamarul and Halim, teachers are an important element in the education sector and have considerable influence on the effectiveness of education [9]. Syed and Subki, teachers need effective delivery of knowledge, became a respected counselor and ensure themselves can serve as an example to the students [10].

Malaysian Teaching Standard detailing competency of teaching and learning skills should be mastered by teachers is like making the planning, implementation and evaluation of teaching and academic learning and co-curricular activities. Skills that should exist in teacher is providing planning skills of teaching and learning based on the syllabus and calendar by taking into account the different abilities, existing knowledge, and expectations of student achievement; skills in the teaching and learning by using a variety of approaches, methods and techniques as well as integrating thinking skills, learning skills, information and communication technology skills, facilitation skills and skills assessment and evaluation; skills to monitor, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning to improve teaching and enhance student achievement and classroom management skills; involving the management of human relationships, time, space and resources to achieve meaningful and effective learning.

According to Syed and Subki, the appearance of the teacher plays a role because it can affect the teaching and learning environment [10]. Teachers’ appearance of ten caught the attention of the students. Teachers who have high patient nature, friendly, considerate, willingness to listen, a willingness to accept criticism, diligent, fair, good-humored and dedicated will reflect the appearance of a teacher to become a true educator. Teachers also need to have a creative and innovative nature to enable teachers to achieve high performance. Creative and innovative properties that exist on the teacher will create a fun, enthused and leave an impression on students and indirectly affect the students to continue learning.

Mahamod et al., among the criteria for effective teacher are having and have a pr of ound knowledge about the contents of the subjects taught [6]. Lack of pr of ound knowledge regarding a subject will cause lack of confidence and bring a sense of worry thus remove the student confidence in the credibility of the teacher. According to Ashraf, a teacher who is knowledgeable and wise to the subjects taught will help students to develop and sharpen their intellect [11]. in other words, mastery of knowledge, especially in the subjects they teach is essential if the teacher wants to be an effective teacher .Strictly, teachers need to deliver knowledge effectively, become a mentor who is respected and ensured themselves can serve as an example to the students. Thus, at any time, all teachers must show admirable character, image, noble and visionary as excellent educators.

Research Methodolody

This study will emphasize on three main objectives of the study:

1. To identified lecturer Profiles of planning, teaching and personal appearance.

2. To identified student pr of ile of aspects of worship, morals and daily practice.

3. To identified the definite impact on the formation of lecturers’ pr of ile of the students.

This study uses a quantitative approach and methods of collecting and analysing data used in this study is the method of questionnaires to answer all the questions of the study. This study involved the collection of information in the form of students assessing lecturers pr of ile in the field of Islamic Education in IPG Campus Peninsular Malaysia Zone. the total population is 455 while the sample size used was 210 people. In this study, a questionnaire was built combining quantitative data collection methods consisted of five parts and contains 71 items. Part A contains two items regarding student general information. Part B contains 10 items related to the planning of teaching Islamic education lecturer. Part C contains 24 questions related to the implementation meets the lecturers teaching Islamic Education teaching methods. Part D contains 20 items related to the Islamic Education lecturer’s appearance. While section E contains 15 items related to the values and morals of the students focusing on the aspects of worship, morals and daily practice.


Descriptive Analysis Regarding Lecturer Profiles from the Aspect of Planning, Teaching and Personal Appearance is shown in Table 1 Below

Student’s evaluation level regarding lecturer lesson planning

The highest mean in Table 1 is a make teaching plan to meet course subject tittles in pro forma course (mean = 4.71 and SD = 0.46). A total of 151 (71.9%) students stated strongly agree, a total of 58 (27.6%) students agree and one (0.5%) student felt less agree. While the item that has the lowest mean is to organize the subject content from hard to easy level (mean = 4:04 and SD = 1.04). A total of 86 (41.0%) students stated strongly agree, a total of 72 (34.3%) students agree, a total of 31 (14.8%) students felt less agree, a total of 16 (7.6%) students expressed less agreed and a total of five (2.4%) students felt less agree. Overall planning and teaching are at a high level (mean = 4.48 and the SD = 0.43).

No. Item STS TS KS S ST Min S.P Inter.
1 Make teaching planning based on course subjects - - 1 (0.5%) 58 (27.6%) 151 (71.9%) 4.71   0.46     High
2 O rganize a well-planned subject content - - 3 (1.4%) 64 (30.5%) 143 (68.1%) 4.67 0.50   High
3 organize structured subject content - 1 (0.5%) 2 (1.0%) 61 (29.0%) 146 (69.5%) 4.68 0.52   High
4 Organize subject content from easy to hard level. 1 (0.5%) 2 (1.0%) 7 (3.3%) 63 (30.0%) 137 (65.2%) 4.59 0.65   High
5 Organize subject content from hard to easy level 5 (2.4%) 16 (7.6%) 31 (14.8%) 72 (34.3%) 86 (41.0%) 4.04 1.04   High
6 Organize subject content by mixing hard and easy level 6 (2.9%) 9 (4.3%) 23 (11.0%) 61 (29.0%) 111 (52.9%) 4.25 1.01   High
7 Provide easily understandable learning task - 1 (0.5%) 9 (4.3%) 74 (35.2%) 126 (60.0%) 4.55 0.60   High
8 Provide challenging learning task - 1 (0.5%) 12 (5.7%) 78 (37.1%) 119 (56.7%) 4.50 0.63   High
9 Provide variety of teaching strategies - 5 (2.4%) 13 (6.2%) 76 (36.2%) 116 (55.2%) 4.44 0.72   High
10 Provide suitable teaching aids 2 (1.0%) 3 (1.4%) 12 (5.7%) 89 (42.4%) 104 (49.5%) 4.38 0.74   High
  Total           4.48 0.43   High

Table 1: Student evaluation level regarding lecturer lesson planning.

Students’ evaluation level regarding lecturer lesson implementation

Table 2 shows the highest mean is mastering what has been taught (mean = 4.77 and SD = 0.50), Delivering facts accurately (mean = 4.75 and SD = 0.53). A total of 166 (79.0%) of the students felt strongly agreed, 41 (19.5%) students agree, a total of 2 (1.0%) students disagree and one (0.5%) students felt less agree. Meanwhile the lowest is the use of attractive teaching aids (mean = 4.30 and SD = 0.82). A total of students (48.1%) felt strongly agreed, 78 students (37.1%) agree, 24 students (11.4%) felt less agree, a total of six students (2.9%) expressed less agreed and a total of one student (0.5%) felt strongly disagree. Overall lectures are at a high level (mean = 4:59 and SD = 0.44).

No. Item STS TS KS S ST Min S.P Inter.
1 Mastering what has been taught - 2
41 19.5% 166 79.0% 4.77 0.50   High
2 Easy to understand teaching method - 1
59 28.1% 147 70.0% 4.68 0.53   High
3 Delivering facts accurately 1
- 4
40 19.0% 165 78.6% 4.75 0.53   High
4 Using various teaching methods 1
22 10.5% 63 30.0% 121 57.6% 4.43 0.78   High
5 Using suitable teaching aids 1
77 36.7% 115 54.8% 4.43 0.74   High
6 Using attractive teaching aids 1
24 11.4% 78 37.1% 101 48.1% 4.30 0.82   High
7 Teaching lesson that stimulate student thinking - 2
54 25.7% 139 66.2% 4.57 0.67   High
8 Teaching lesson that stimulate student creativity 1
87 41.4% 106 50.5% 4.40 0.71   High
9 Associate learning with current issues - 2
44 21.0% 163 77.6% 4.75 0.50   High
10 Encourage student to give ideas - - 2
49 23.3% 159 75.7% 4.75 0.46   High
11 Encourage student to give new ideas - 1
47 22.4% 155 73.8% 4.70 0.56   High
12 Deliver attractive lectures - 1
73 34.8% 119 56.7% 4.48 0.67   High
13 Deliver fun lectures - 2
81 38.6% 119 56.7% 4.51 0.62   High
14 Make sure students understand the subject before proceeding to the next one - 4
68 32.4% 121 57.6% 4.46   0.73     High
15 Act pr of essionally while deliver lesson 1
60 28.6% 146 69.5% 4.66 0.58   High
16 Has a good control of the lecture class 1
56 (26.7% 148 70.5%) 4.66 0.61   High
17 Try to increase student involving actively and thoroughly - 1
67 31.9% 134 63.8%) 4.59 0.62   High
18 Give chance for the student to ask 1
- 4
42 20.0% 163 77.6% 4.74 0.54   High
19 Satisfy with lecturer’s answer 1
54 25.7% 150 71.4% 4.67 0.59   High
20 Assist student in making decision - 2
59 28.1% 145 69.0% 4.65 0.57   High
21 Questioning student using higher level thinking skills - 1
65 31.0% 137 65.2% 4.61 0.58   High
22 Perform writing evaluation activities 1
19 9.0% 71 33.8% 117 55.7% 4.43 0.74   High
23 Integrating knowledge in the field of Islamic education ( faith, worship, history, recitations and others) by combine and intricate
48 22.9% 156 74.3% 4.70   0.60     High
24   Integrating Islamic education with secular education across the curriculum 1
71 33.8% 122 58.1% 4.49 0.69   High
  Total           4.59 0.44   High

Table 2: Students’ evaluation level regarding lecturer lesson implementation.

Students’ evaluation level on lecturer appearance

Table 3 shows the items that have the highest mean was always dressed neatly and appropriately (mean = 4.90 and SD = 0.31). In terms of frequency and percentage shows a total of 191 students (91.0%) stated strongly agree, 18 students (8.6%) agree and one student (0.5%) felt less agree. While the lowest mean is sensitive to environmental cleanliness (mean = 4.60 and SD = 0.63). In terms of frequency and percentage shows a total of 140 students (66.7%) stated strongly agree, there were 59 students (28.1%) agree, a total of 10 students (4.8%) students felt less agree and one student (0.5%) stated strongly disagree. In conclusion, the student ratings of lecturer appearance is at a high level (mean = 4.74 and SD = 0.38). Generally the pr of ile is at a high level as shown in Table 4 below.

No. Item STS TS KS S ST Mean s.d Inter.
1 Always dressed neatly and appropriately - - 1
191 (91.0%) 4.90 0.31   High
2 Have a good appearance - - 1
183 (87.1%) 4.87 0.36   High
3 Always on time 2
- 5
144 (68.8%) 4.63 0.63   High
4 Have sense of humor while delivering lesson 1
160 (76.2%) 4.72 0.56   High
5 Always patience when dealing with students 1
168 (80.0%) 4.77 0.53   High
6 Sensitive towards environmental cleanliness 1
- 10
140 (66.7%) 4.60 0.63   High
7 Acting like a parents towards students 2
- 36
170 (81.0%) 4.77 0.56   High
8 Using appropriate language with students - 1
30 (14.3%) 177 (84.3%) 4.82 0.44   High
9 Giving advice wisely ( not threatened, sarcastic, nagging) - - 6
158 (75.2%) 4.72   0.51     High
10 Have interpersonal skills (body language, signal and eye language) . - 1
159 (75.7%) 4.72   0.53     High
11 Concern about students’ manners - - 4
47 (22.4%) 159 (75.7%) 4.74 0.48   High
12 Concern about students’ welfare - 1
44 (21.0%) 161 (76.7%) 4.74 0.51   High
13 Being fair towards students - 1
51 (24.3%) 154 (73.3%) 4.70 0.53   High
14 Considerate with students. - 2
- 41 (19.5%) 167 (79.5%) 4.78 0.48   High
15 Firm towards students 1
- 5
58 (27.6%) 146 (69.5%) 4.66 0.58   High
16 Not bored entertain students 1
- 2
49 (23.3%) 158 (75.2%) 4.73 0.53   High
17 Answering question from student wisely 1
- 1
43 (20.5%) 165 (78.6%) 4.77 0.50   High
18 Like to give positive motivation to the student 1
- 3
36 (17.1%) 170 (81.0%) 4.79 0.48   High
19 Like to give attention to problematic students 1
- 12
49 (23.3%) 148 (70.5%) 4.63 0.64   High
20 Always advice student to have good moral values - - 3
33 (15.7%) 174 (82.9%) 4.81 0.43   High
  Total           4.74 0.38   High

Table 3: Students’ evaluation level on lecturer appearance.

No. Lecturer teaching practice Teacher Mean Standard
1 Planning   4.48 0.43 Tinggi
2 teaching   4.59 0.44 Tinggi
3 Appearance   4.74 0.38 Tinggi
  total   4.60 0.37 Tinggi

Table 4: Student evaluation level regarding lecturer pr of ile.

Table 4 shows that student ratings of Islamic Education lecturer physical appearance in teaching Islamic Education major courses (mean = 4.74 and SD = 0.38) is higher compared to student evaluation of teaching lecturer (mean = 4:59 and SD = 0.44) and lecturer planning (min = 4.48 and the SD = 0.43). Overall indicates that the student evaluation regarding Islamic Education lecturers Profiles in Islamic Education major course pr of ile is at the high level (mean = 4.60 and SP = 0.37).

Findings Related to the Students from the Aspects of Worship, Morals and Daily Practices Described in the Table Below

Level aspects of worship among students

Table 5 shows items that have the highest mean is that I always pray on time (mean = 4:37 and SD = 0.63) were at high level. In terms of frequency and percentage shows a total of 102 students (48.6%) agree, a total of 93 (44.3%) stated strongly agree, a total of 14 students (6.7%) felt less agree and one student (0.5%) stated not agree and item I can read the Quran with correct tajwid (mean = 4:37 and SD = 0.61) was at high level. In terms of frequency and percentage shows that 107 students (51.0%) agreed, a total of 91 students (43.3%) stated strongly agree, 11 students (5.2%) felt less agree and one student (0.5%) stated disagreed. While the item that has a low mean is that I have never skipped fasting on Mondays and Thursdays (mean = 3.11 and SD = 1.01) at a moderate level. A total of 95 students (45.2%) felt less agree, 41 students (19.5%) disagree, 40 students (19.0%) agree, a total of 23 students (11.0%) felt strongly agreed and 11 students (5.2%) felt strongly disagree.

No. Item STS TS KS S ST Mean s.d Inter
1 I always pray on time - 1 (0.5%) 14 (6.7%) 102 (48.6%) 93 (44.3%) 4.37 0.6   High
2 I never skipped fasting on Monday and Thursday 11 (5.2%) 41 (19.5%) 95 (45.2%) 40 (19.0%) 23 (11.0%) 3.11 1.01   Medium
3 I can read al Quran correctly with tajwid. - 1 (0.5%) 11 (5.2%) 107 (51.0%) 91 (43.3%) 4.37 0.61   High
4 I read al-Quran everyday 1 (0.5%) 1 (0.5%) 23 (11.0%) 83 (39.5%) 102 (48.6%) 4.35 0.73   High
5 I never tell lie 12 (5.7%) 20 (9.5%) 62 (29.5%) 80 (38.1%) 36 (17.1%) 3.51 1.06   Medium
  Total           3.94 0.56 high

Table 5: Level aspects of worship among students.

Level of moral aspects among students

Table 6 shows the items that have the highest mean is that my mother is the driving force in doing good deeds and morals (mean = 4.83 and SD = 0.41) remained at a high level. In terms of frequency and percentage shows a total of 176 students (83.8%) stated strongly agree, a total of 33 students (15.7%) agree and one student (0.5%) felt less agree. While the item that has a low mean is that my peers are the driving force in doing the good deeds and morals (mean = 4.57 and SD = 0.62) remained at a high level. A total of 130 students (61.9%) stated strongly agree, a total of 71 students (33.8%) agree, a total of eight students (3.8%) felt less agree and one student (0.5%) felt strongly disagree. on the whole aspect of morality among students are at a high level (mean = 4.72 and SD = 0.41).

No. Item STS TS KS S ST Min S.P Inter.
  1 My mother is the driving force for me to do good deeds and morals   -   -   1
  176 83.8%   4.83   0.41 High
  2 My father is the driving force for me to do good deeds and morals - 1
43 20.5% 164 78.1% 4.76 0.48 High
  3 My lecturer is the driving force for me to do good deed and morals.   1
  -   3
  174 82.9% 4.80 0.50 High
  4 My peers are the driving force for me to do good deed and morals   1
  -   8
  130 61.9%   4.57   0.62 High
  5 My acquaintance is the driving force for me to do good deeds and morals   -   -   10 4.8%   60
  140 66.7%   4.62   0.58 High
  Total           4.72 0.41 High

Table 6: Level of moral aspects among students.

Level of daily practice aspect among students

Table 7 shows each item in the daily practice aspect had high levels from mean of 4:26 range up to 4.81. Item that have the highest mean is that I felt that smoking should be avoided by all Muslim (mean = 4.84 and SD = 0.48) is remained at a high level. In terms of frequency and percentage shows a total of 176 students (83.8%) stated strongly agree, a total of 31 students (14.8%) agree, a total of two students (1.0%) felt less agree and one student (0.5%) stated strongly disagree. While the item that has a low mean is that I felt that socializing between men and women should be prohibited (mean = 4.26 and SD = 0.88). In terms of frequency and percentage shows a total of 100 students (47.6%) stated strongly agree, a total of 74 students (35.2%) agreed, 30 students (14.3%) felt less agree, a total of four students (1.9%) stated strongly disagree and a total of two students (1.0%) disagree. on the whole aspect of daily practice among students are at a high level (mean = 4.48 and the SD = 0.48).

No. Item STS TS KS S ST Mean S.D Inter
  1 I am not easily influence by artist/celebrity fashion in clothing selection   4
  20 (9.5%)   80 (38.1%)   102 (48.6%) 4.30 0.86   High
  2 I think that the socializing between man and woman need to be prohibited   4
  30 (14.3%)   74 (35.2%)   100 (47.6%) 4.26 0.88   High
  3 I think that smoking should be avoided by all Muslim   1
  -   2
  176 (83.8%) 4.81 0.48   High
  4 I do not feel any pressure living life   1
  29 (13.8%)   72 (34.3%)   102 (48.6%) 4.28 0.84   High
  5 I feel that my life is meaningful and valuable Sayamerasakanbahawahidupsayabermaknadanbernilai.   1
  -   3
  46 (21.9%)   160 (76.2%)   4.73   0.53   High
  Total           4.48 0.48   High

Table 7: Level of daily practice aspect among students.

Table 8 shows that the moral aspect has the highest mean (mean = 4.72 and SD = 0.41) is at a high level. Followed by aspects of daily practice (mean = 4.48 and the SD = 0.48) at the high level and worship (mean = 3.94 and SD = 0.56) is at high level. Overall indicates that values and morals among students at the high level (mean = 4.38 and SP = 0.38).

No. Values and morals Mean Standard deviation Interpretation
1 Worship 3.94 0.56 High
2 Morals 4.72 0.41 High
3 Daily practice 4.48 0.48 High
  Total 4.38 0.38 High

Table 8: Level of values and morals among students.

Findings on Impact of Lecturer Pr of ile on the Self-formation of Students

Findings were shown in Table 9 below. on overall it can be concluded that there is a significant impact of lecturer pr of ile on self-formation of student.

No. Values and morals Mean Standard deviation Interpretation
1 Worship 3.94 0.56 High
2 Morals 4.72 0.41 High
3 Daily practice 4.48 0.48 High
  Total 4.38 0.38 High

Table 9: Relation between impacts of lecturer pr of ile toward self-formation of student.


Halim et al. affirmed that the design aspect that should be considered is a clear statement of objectives, teaching content, teaching methods, level of learning outcomes and teaching aids [12]. While the implementation of teaching is the process of implementation plans that have been made by the lecturer. It is decisive to produce the planned teaching objectives. the findings Halim et al., the elements that are in high level is a good explanation of content, giving suitable examples, the application of good values, lecturer-student interactions, content, structure and class control techniques [12].

Rasulullah SAW was an outstanding educators who are required to be emulated in order to produce a balanced between secular and religious knowledge. Hence the pedagogy of teaching is very important to understand by the new generation of educators in order, not to be underestimated. the research shows that the Islamic Education teachers should enhance their knowledge in the field of Islamic education pedagogy with understanding the concept and approach taken by the Prophet Muhammad and Islamic education figures such as Sahnun, Qabisi, Khaldun, Ghazali and others.

Similarly, Islamic Education lecturers are synonymous with the title of ustaz / ustazahs. They are khudwah hasanah where all actions and behavior were observed by the students. Good practices committed by Islamic Education lecturer as a guide and an example to emulate. A competent Islamic Education Lecturer is people who can apply good moral values and act as a role model to the students. They need to apply coherence between faith, knowledge and good deeds. As well as to enable the students live their life as best as possible, rooted in Islamic theology.

Sahariah, the establishment of good moral values are intertwined between faith, religious practices and everyday practice [13]. the establishment of good moral values is to start with the seeds of a great and holy faith. the effect will produce a behavior which is consistent with the limits of legislation through religious practices and everyday practices. Collaboration between these three aspects will be able to establish a moral mahmudah. Therefore, the formation of pure and moral values as required in the education system in general and Islam in particular will be complete. Accordingly it meets the Education in Islam to produce individuals who have a personal and moral character in accordance with the objectives of the mission of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

According to Rahaila, lecturer competency is still being disputed by concerned individuals, despite various attempts have been made by the MOE [3]. There are many students who questioned the quality of lecturers because their teaching are boring and uninteresting, only concerned with the achievement of the facts and the main content without trying to know the students, the students did not understand and know what they have learned, lecturers do not associate knowledge with the current development of the world and there are also lecturers who just use the lecture method for all classes without trying to diversify method according to groups of students, are not skilled in preparing lesson plans, and not think creatively while handle teaching and deal with discipline problems, the process of learning and teaching still faces weaknesses in aspects such as teaching methods, reinforcement of skills and s of tware used [14-16].

Effective teacher is a teacher who has high knowledge mastery and even need to be skilled in the pedagogical aspects in order to translate all the knowledge that is taught in the form of teaching and learning that is effective, efficient and enjoyable. Through strong skills in the PDP, a teacher can carry out teaching students according to their level of intelligence, as well as socioeconomic background by using a variety of methods, strategies, techniques and specific approach in teaching.


Lecturer has a big role to convey knowledge and shaping the future of the students. Generally lecturer in Islamic Education is a person who has a great responsibility in IPG where they educate all students in the construction of values and morality. Islamic Education lecturers also have a special role to educate future teachers of Islamic education to be competent teachers in the school. Therefore they must arm themselves with knowledge and experience in order to become a strong and competent lecturers in order to be in line with the goals of Education in Islam, namely to produce good human beings and bring goods in others. Thus, can shape a student who is aware of his relationship with Allah, nature and mankind.
