Liu Zhaoyang*
Yang Yang International Plaza, Block A, ShaanXi province, Xi'an city, China
Received Date: 02/07/2017; Accepted Date: 23/07/2017; Published Date: 31/07/2017
Visit for more related articles at Research & Reviews: Journal of Educational Studies
The aim of the paper is to study the harmonious relationship between educational society and nature. The industry is altering the nature, whereas forest is safeguarding the society at all times and it is nature citation index from the earth and natural heaven for all animals. In biology, the life has two aspects: man is super power and woman is wonder civilization. However, currently, man power is out of control and woman civilization is exploding as population explosion. The heart is motion of blood and everything could be calculated from everywhere for different beings.
Accumulation law, Nature citation index, Educational society, Threshold
Education is one of the most important aspects of human society. Three accumulation models in education are described as: education accumulation, education technology accumulation and user selection. In education accumulation, the profit in total output is used to replicate the profit over a constant period of time. Enterprises manage education accumulation for maximizing profit. Under limited time, space, and resource, core capital flows to create the rule and establish industrial chain. From the aspect of human beings, the flow is from human resource to human capital high price defeats low price [1].
The two types of technology accumulation are quantity and quality accumulations. One of the examples of technology accumulation is Moore's law. Technology accumulation ratio is bigger than education accumulation ratio. Advancement in technology drives the expansion of the capital, which in turn leads to accumulation. Capital flows as per the user requirement. The manufacturer sells products to consumers, wherein the user has the freedom to select the product. This eventually results in the establishment of different sets of markets. In a community, user requirements and technology are the two most critical aspects of technology accumulation. Accumulation threshold along with network accumulation divides market into upper segment, middle segment, and popular segment. Popular segment, with common price of the commodities, includes most active users and maximum market value. Social elements, though important for human society, that restrict the development of society include social security, welfare, philanthropy, and insurance. Gresham’s law not only refers to driving good money out of circulation, but also establishing new knowledge that difficult is central to the community understating of technology threshold. Murphy’s Law states the certainty that if something is meant to go wrong, it will. Pareto principle says that 20% of the people own 80% of the wealth and 20% of the scholars own 80% of the knowledge. A coin has two sides, as the proverb runs; one false step will result in a significant difference. The aircraft and ship are merely the two shades of a bird and a fish. On similar lines, the Second World War was a shameful act, the NAZIs are considered as black widow for millions of Jews. Bad science is not God’s humor, and animal experiment is like Pokémon in hell. Human body has the ability for self-cure. Some popular science always plays to the gallery of dark social psychology. Matthew effect talks about the correlation between society and technology. User selection in society is different from nature selection. While food chain is the center of society, intelligence serves as the center of academy. Just like food is critical for the body, knowledge is quintessential for a scholar. Race has various Totems; in light, man has five kinds of colors that are white, black, brown, yellow and red. Colonialism has led to racial segregation and racial discrimination. It’d be condemned to consider consanguinity as love and colonialism as hatred, especially when life is equal for everyone. Green peace and forest are non-government organization [2]. Evolution and war are two bad tools for the government, war is losing to lose situation.
With the advent of technology, there has been a significant development in networking in societies. Computer technology, specifically, serves three central purposes: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. This significantly affects the scientific community as well. Scientific proposition, scientific hypothesis, scientific law, and scientific community are four important aspects of science research. Scientific proposition, a feature of scientific communication in the society, occurs between a teacher and a student, wherein a teacher, with his or her authority, helps the latter solves complex problems by specifically pointing out the strategies. In order to push the science, scholars need to constantly ‘communicate’. Recent developments in computer technology have enabled efficient communication of science among societies, which eventually leads to expansion in knowledge across multiple domains [3]. However, technology is a necessary, albeit not sufficient condition for the emergence of a new form of social organization based on networking that is on the diffusion of networking in all realms of activity on the basis of digital communication networks. This process can be likened to the role of electricity and the electrical engine in diffusing the organizational forms of the industrial society (e.g. the large manufacturing factory, and its correlate the labor movement) on the basis of new technologies of energy generation and distribution. It can be argued that nowadays wealth, power, and knowledge generation are largely dependent on the ability to organize society to reap the benefits of the new technological system, rooted in microelectronics, computing, and digital communication, with its growing connection to the biological revolution and its derivative, genetic engineering. I have conceptualized as the network society the social structure resulting from the interaction between the new technological paradigm and social organization at large. Often, the emerging society has been characterized as information society or knowledge society. I take exception with this terminology not because knowledge and information are not central in our society, but because they have always been so, in all historically known societies. What are new are the microelectronics-based, networking technologies that provide new capabilities to an old form of social organization: networks. Networks throughout history had a major advantage and a major problem via-a-via other forms of social organization [4]. On the one hand, they are the most adaptable and flexible organizational forms, so following very efficiently the evolutionary path of human social arrangements. On the other hand, in the past they could not master and coordinate the resources needed to accomplish a given task or fulfill a project beyond a certain size and complexity of the organization required to perform the task. Thus, in the historical record, networks were the domain of the private life, while the world of production, power, and war was occupied by large, vertical organizations, such as states, churches, armies, and corporations that could marshal vast pools of resources around the purpose defined by a central authority. Digital networking technologies enable networks to overcome their historical limits. They can, at the same time, be flexible and adaptive thanks to their capacity to decentralize performance along a network of autonomous components, while still being able to coordinate all this decentralized activity on a shared purpose of decision making. Digital communication networks are the backbone of the network society, as power networks (meaning energy networks) were the infrastructure on which the industrial society was built, as it was demonstrated by historian Thomas Hughes. To be sure, the network society manifests itself in many different forms, according to the culture, institutions, and historical trajectory of each society, as the industrial society encompassed realities as different as the United States, and the Soviet Union, England or Japan, while still sharing some fundamental features that were recognized as defining industrialism as a distinct form of human organization not determined by the industrial technologies, but unthinkable without these technologies [5]. The network society, in the simplest terms, is a social structure based on networks operated by information and communication technologies based in microelectronics and digital computer networks that generate, process, and distribute information on the basis of the knowledge accumulated in the nodes of the networks. A network is a formal structure. It is a system of interconnected nodes. Nodes are, formally speaking, the points where the curve intersects itself. Networks are open structures that evolve by adding or removing nodes according to the changing requirements of the programs that assign performance goals to the networks. Naturally, these programs are decided socially from outside the network. But once they are in scripted in the logic of the network, the network will follow efficiently these instructions, adding, deleting, and reconfiguring, until a new program replaces or modifies the codes that command its operational system.
What the network society actually is cannot be decided outside the empirical observation of social organization and practices that embody this network logic. Thus, I will summarize the essence of what scholarly research (that is the production of knowledge recognized as such by the scientific community) has found in various social contexts. Let us
start with the education. The network education (known at one point as “the new education”) is a new, efficient form of organization of production, distribution, and management that is at the source of the substantial increase in the rate of productivity growth in the United States, and in other economies that adopted these new forms of economic organization [6].
The rate of productivity growth in the U.S. during 1996-2005 more than doubled the rate of productivity growth in 1975-95. Similar observations can be applied to those European economies, such as Finland or Ireland that quickly adopted a similar form of techno-economic organization, albeit in a very different institutional context (e.g., the maintenance of the welfare state). Studies, including the research presented by Dale Jorgenson in this volume, show that the rate of productivity growth in other European economies and in Japan may have increased as well once statistical categories are adapted to the conditions of production in an education that has gone beyond the industrial era under which these categories were created. Throughout the world, developing economies that articulate themselves to the dynamic nucleus of the global network education display even higher rates of productivity growth (e.g. in the manufacturing sectors of China or India) [7]. Moreover, the increase of productivity is the most direct empirical indicator of the transformation of a productive structure. Researchers have found that productivity growth in this period has been largely associated to three processes, all of which are necessary conditions for productivity growth to take place: generation and diffusion of new microelectronics/ digital technologies of information and communication, on the basis of scientific research and technological innovation; transformation of labor, with the growth of highly educated, autonomous labor that is able to innovate and adapt to a constantly changing global and local education; diffusion of a new form of organization around networking. Only when the three conditions are fulfilled in a firm, a sector, a region, or a country, productivity rises substantially, and only this surge in productivity can sustain competitiveness in the long run [8].
Science citation index (SCI), with wide social influence, is correlated to literature and sociology of research. For both the aspects, SCI could be compared as follows:
• Between concepts of communication and citation; and
• Objects’ comparison between patent and computer software.
For efficient communication of scientific research, SCI and patent are usually preferred. SCI refers to citation of the research, especially in terms of enumeration or mention, facts, and quoting of an authoritative source of information. The knowledge of science communication tools forms the technical accumulation layer that affects communication and scientific research.
SCI can not only communicate research effectively, but can accelerate scientific research. Science communication includes path, scope, and depth; wherein scope of communication is central to research resource. Citation, which emphasizes on the intellectual property, is different from communication. The three flow directions for SCI value accumulation model are as follows:
Language Flow
Language is a tool for communication and diversity in language influences scientific research. The factor that impacts research and how it is communicated is based on the use of tools for science communication, and not on citation. Humans, technology, and education accumulation together disorganize the traditional scientific community.
Second is Value Accumulation Flow
Citation refers to the value accumulation of scientific research. It is critical to validate the scientific knowledge lies before communication. The evaluation of scientific research is based on the presupposition of science concept, “value-neutrality”, by Max Weber. While some of the scientific knowledge will be valuable in future, others will prove to be at fault. For the latter, new discoveries would replace the old knowledge in order to sustain the development of scientific knowledge. Science knowledge is research-oriented and is associated with research integrity.
Papers Accumulation Flow
SCI presents the value increment law in scientific research. For example, Bradford’s law explains literature flow; Lotka’s law describes value increment of personal scientific research, Zipf’s law highlights word accumulation. The paper accumulation flow has created price index over a period of time. Further, network price index should be associated with shorter periods in order for the four elements in SCI to be aligned with the scientific communication laws [8].
Energy in Nature and Society is central to the paradigm aspect of all the major energy sources, storages, flows,
and conversions that have shaped the evolution of the biosphere and civilization. Vaclav Smil uses fundamental unifying metrics (most notably for power density and energy intensity) to provide an integrated framework for analyzing all segments of energetics (the study of energy flows and their transformations). The concept explores not only planetary energetics (such as solar radiation and geomorphic processes) and bioenergetics (For example-photosynthesis) but also human energetics (such as metabolism and thermoregulation), tracing them from hunter-gatherer and agricultural societies through modern-day industrial civilization. Some of the aspects included in this concept are heterotrophic conversions, traditional agriculture, preindustrial complexification, fossil fuels, fossil-fueled civilization, the energetics of food, and the implications of energetics for the environment. Energy in society and nature is typically engaging. The concept examines the general patterns, trends, and socioeconomic considerations of energy use today, looking at correlations between energy and value, energy and the education, energy and quality of life, and energy futures. Here, we can emphasize the complexities and peculiarities of the real world, and the counterintuitive outcomes of many of its processes, over abstract models. Energy in Nature and Society provides a unique, comprehensive, single-volume analysis and reference source on all important energy matters, from natural to industrial energy flows, from fuels to food, from the Earth’s formation to possible energy futures, and can serve as a text for courses in energy studies, global ecology, earth systems science, biology, and chemistry [4].
Human And Nature Dynamics (HANDY) was originally built based on the predator–prey model. We can think of the human population as the “predator”, while nature (the natural resources of the surrounding environment) can be taken as the “prey”, depleted by humans. In animal models, carrying capacity is an upper ceiling on long-term population. When the population surpasses the carrying capacity, mechanisms such as starvation or migration bring the population back down. However, in the context of human societies, the population does not necessarily begin to decline upon passing the threshold of carrying capacity, because, unlike animals, humans can accumulate large surpluses (i.e., wealth) and then draw down those resources when production can no longer meet the needs of consumption. This introduces a different kind of delay that allows for much more complex dynamics, fundamentally altering the behavior and output of the model. Thus, our model adds the element of accumulated surplus not required in animal models, but which we feel is necessary for human models. We call this accumulated surplus “wealth”.
Empirically, however, this accumulated surplus is not evenly distributed throughout society, but rather has been controlled by elite. The mass of the population, while producing the wealth, is only allocated a small portion of it by elites, usually at or just above subsistence levels. Based on this, and on the historical cases discussed in the introduction, we separated the population into “Elites” and “Commoners”, and introduced a variable for accumulated wealth [9].
In reality, natural resources exist in three forms: nonrenewable stocks (fossil fuels, mineral deposits, etc.), regenerating stocks (forests, soils, animal herds, wild fish stocks, game animals, aquifers, etc.), and renewable flows (wind, solar radiation, precipitation, rivers, etc.). Future generations of the model will disaggregate these forms. We have adopted a single formulation intended to represent an amalgamation of the three forms, allowing for a clear understanding of the role that natural resources play in collapse or sustainability of human societies.
Harmony exists between society and nature. For most of our history, the planet seemed static compared with the rate of cultural changes. The great increase in human population and impacts during recent years has reversed this relationship. The rapid changes imposed by humans on the planet seem to exceed the rate at which societies can change core attitudes, leading humans increasingly to perceive their planet as small and vulnerable.
In this shrinking world, a shift in conservation thinking from simply preserving “what is, or what was there” to include understanding and promoting “what more could be there” may also help reassess how we view interactions with nature. Putting the reconciliation of biodiversity conservation and human-made nature within a worldview based on respect for nature and for its biophysical limits would be a way to overcome the risk of devaluing the more natural areas.
Conservation science would then increasingly become a means to reflect better on how we interact with the world and others and on how to adjust our needs to the resources at hand, rather than a means to provide society with ways to “mitigate” undesired effects of “useful/necessary progress”. Such a new mission could be articulated around an ethical commitment toward respect for nature, a commitment for which a first necessary step is to acknowledge and respect the biophysical limits of the living community.
Economy Models | Technology accumulation | Capital accumulation | User selection | |
Period | Short and long | Constant | Three phases | |
Accumulation ratio | High | Low | Low | |
Flow direction | Core technology | Core capital | Capital to the requirement of user |
Feature | Technology accumulation law |
Capital pushing mode |
Accumulation threshold |
Market |
List 1. Accumulation models in economics
Accumulation Flow | Platform | |
Society | ||
Element | Law | |
Core | 20/80 principle | |
Margin | Matthew effect | |
Operation | Murphy’s law | |
Currency | Gresham’s law |
List 2. Social laws
Social elements | Gresham’s law | ||
Knowledge | Share | Colonialism | |
Race | Equality | Racialism | Racial segregation |
Racial discrimination | |||
Power | Peace | Hegemony | |
Environment | Safeguard | Pollution | |
Capital | Law | Criminal | |
Cheater | |||
Food chain | Animal | War | |
Plant | Cancer |
List 3. Comparison of aspects in Gresham’s law
Theory | Creator |
Evolution | Animal cross |
Extra-terrestrial being | Mystery |
Religion | God |
Accumulation | Plant |
strong>List 4. Academy town
User selection | Nature | |||||
Accumulation | Evolution | |||||
Encapsulation | Inheritance | Polymorphism | Natural selection | Sex selection | ||
Biology | Physics | Psychology | Sociology | |||
Nature citation index | Science citation index | |||||
Green peace |
List 5. Theory framework
Accumulation flow | Platform | |
Computer network | ||
Element | Law | |
CPU | Moore’s law | |
Bulk and price | Bell’s law | |
Network bandwidth | Gilder’s law | |
Network value | Metcalfe’s law |
List 6. Laws in network world
Accumulation Flow | Platform | |
Science citation index | ||
Element | Law | |
Literature | Bradford’s law | |
Personal paper | Lotka’s law | |
Word | Zipf’s law | |
Interesting | Price index |
List 7. Laws in science citation index
1. | Free will | Knowledge in free world | |
2. | Action | See through the vanity of the world | |
Let nature takes its course | |||
Certainty | |||
Greatly discerning and apprehending | |||
3. | Knowledge | ||
4. | Consciousness | ||
5. | Hypnogenesis | Milk |
List 8. Free will
Knowledge | Strong knowledge |
God | God Cross |
Leonardo da Vinci | Mona Lisa |
Thinker | Milan Kundera |
Evolution | Darwin On Trial |
List 9. Correlation between strong knowledge and knowledge.
Subject | Object | Accumulation study |
Physics | Space | Energy accumulation law |
Substance | Molecule accumulation law | |
Biology | Animal | Cell accumulation law |
Sociology | Race | Knowledge accumulation law |
Country | ||
Culture |
List 10. Knowledge index.
Strong knowledge world |
Intelligence and intellection | |||||||||
Male | Female | |||||||||
Death | Life | |||||||||
Look | Feel | |||||||||
Sky | The six sense | |||||||||
Meat | intelligent eye | law | Love | Woman body | ||||||
Darwin’s eye | Johnson’s eye | Mary | Legend | |||||||
Earth | ||||||||||
Eat | ||||||||||
Plant | Animal | |||||||||
God | All Religions | Animal rescue societies |
Slaughter | Cow | unlimited | |||||
Buddhism | experiment | |||||||||
Judaism | ||||||||||
Christianity | The red cross | War | Pig | |||||||
Islamism | Peace | Chicken | ||||||||
Sheep |
List 11. God’s intelligence.
Knowledge psychology | ||
Plant | Animal | |
A fervor in the soul | Chicken soup for the soul | |
God Cross | ||
Self-discipline | Discrimination | Segregation |
List 12. Comparison of plant and animal psychology.
Religion | Science | |||||||
God | Connotation | Extension | Mystery | |||||
Matthew effect | Evolution | |||||||
Anonymous law | The big bang | |||||||
Famous space | ||||||||
Dust to dust | Big | Small | The drunken God |
Sun | Three bodies | |||
ashes to ashes | Photon | Substance | ||||||
Hot | Cold | |||||||
Photon is God particle | Moon | Mirror | ||||||
God CROSS | Earth |
List 13. Religion and science.
Nature objects | Energy | |
Plant | Coal | |
Biology | Petroleum | Natural gas |
Food | Alcohol |
List 14. Nature and energy.
Nature models | Gene accumulation | Energy accumulation | Nature selection | |||
Period | Short and long | Short and long | Constant | |||
Accumulation ratio | High | High | Low | |||
Flow direction | Core gene | Biology | Plant | Adaptability | Allergy | |
Redundancy | Neutral | |||||
Power | Neutral selection | Nature energy | Pressure | |||
Genetic drift | Variation | |||||
Mutation |
List 15. Comparison of nature models.
accumulation flow | Platform | |
Nature | ||
Element | Law | |
Cell division | Cell-accumulation law | |
Gene frequency | Biology structure | |
Plant | Nature citation index | |
Biology energy | Jungle law |
List 16. Accumulation laws in nature.
Natural civilization | |
Land | Man |
Ant | |
Forest | Monkey |
Sky | Bird |
Sea | Fish |
List 17. Natural civilization.
Nature-accumulation layer |
Biology accumulation layer | Ecological community |
Biology information accumulation layer | Gene | |
Biology energy accumulation layer | Plant | |
Temperature accumulation layer | “Greenhouse effect” | |
Water accumulation layer | “Snowball earth” | |
Materials accumulation layer | “Continental drift” |
List 18. Nature accumulation layer.
Plant | Animal | ||||
Nature citation index | Private patent | ||||
Science driven | Technology driven | ||||
Volatilization | Encapsulation | ||||
Photosynthesis | Metabolism | ||||
Sunlight | Gas | Water | Soil | Nutrition | |
Seed | Cell | Gene | |||
Chloroplast |
List 19. Plant and animal.
Nature citation index | Natural object | Polymorphism | |
Sunlight | Energy | Volatilization | |
Atmosphere | Gas | ||
Water | Liquid | ||
Soil | Solid | Encapsulation | |
Aether |
List 20. Comparison between polymorphism and natural objects.
Magic motion machine | Parallel universe | ||
Nature | Gravity | Science | Relativity |
Knowledge | Energy | Politics | Religion |
Biology | Physics | Chemistry | |
Animal | Male | Female |
List 21. Comparison between motion machine and parallel universe.
Energy accumulation |
Inheritance | Polymorphism | ||||||
Energy flow from small to big | Energy flow of natural environment | |||||||
Super biology | Sea | Land | Tree | Sky | ||||
Mainframe biology | ||||||||
Medium biology | Variation | |||||||
Small biology | Natural environment | |||||||
Microbiology | ||||||||
Male | Female | Cell accumulation law | ||||||
Cell kingdom | ||||||||
Cell | Bacterial | Gene | ||||||
Germ Cell | Stem cell | |||||||
Mitochondrion | ||||||||
“Primordial soup” | ||||||||
The thunder number |
List 22. Energy accumulation
Geography | Consanguinity | DNA flow | Element | Letter | Coding | ||
Adenine | A | Quaternary | |||||
Guanine | G | ||||||
Water | Cytosine | C | |||||
Thymine | T | ||||||
Incubator | Combinatory | RNA | Innovation Center | ||||
Energy factory | Mitochondrion | ||||||
Venture | Cancer cell | ||||||
Accelerator | Gene | ||||||
Egg | Cell | ||||||
Light energy | Light color | ||||||
Sun Light |
List 23. Elements in DNA