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Research Article Open Access

A Novel Collective Neighbor Clustering in High Dimensional Data


Clustering becomes difficult due to the increasing sparsity of such data, as well as the increasing difficulty in distinguishing distances between data points. The proposed method called “kernel trick” and “Collective Neighbor Clustering”, which takes as input measures of correspondence between pairs of data points. Real-valued hubs are exchanged between data points until a high-quality set of patterns and corresponding clusters gradually emerges. To validate our theory by demonstrating that hubness is a high-quality measure of point centrality within a highdimensional information cluster, and by proposing several hubness-based clustering algorithms, showing that main hubs can be used effectively as cluster prototypes or as guides during the search for centroid-based cluster patterns. Experimental results demonstrate the good performance of our proposed algorithms in manifold settings, mainly focused on large quantities of overlapping noise. The proposed methods are modified mostly for detecting approximately hyper spherical clusters and need to be extended to properly handle clusters of arbitrary shapes.

Sudha.N, Sneka Arulraj

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