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Special Issue Article Open Access

Accident Detection Using Android Smart Phone


Nowadays, nobody in this world is ready to lookwhat’s happening around them. Even though, if any accident occurs no one cares about it. This is an intention to implement an innovative solution for this problem by developing an Accident detection System using android smart phone from the accident zone.This system has been developed and implemented using the heart beat sensor based mobile technology integrated with the evolving android smart phone. The application for accident detection which primarily measures the heart beat rate using heart beat sensor. After getting the signal from sensor this system filter out the background noise and detect only the sound of the pulse. The microphone would need to be held near to the heart or somewhere the movement of blood made enough noise to be detect using some sort of audio signal processing. Then count the time between each pulse to get the pulse rate. The normal human heart beat range is 60 to 100 Beats Per Minute (BPM). If there is any variation from the normal heart beat range, then the system detects that may be an accident or not. Then the system will immediately transmit the location of the accident to the pre-configured contacts through Short Message Service (SMS). In case of an accident is occurred then the driver is prompted to respond by touch or voice in order to eliminate any false detection So the proposed system ensures that to reduce the human death ratio by accidents.

P.Kaladevi, T.Kokila, S.Narmatha, V.Janani

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