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Review Article Open Access

Adverse Effects of Different Detergents on Fish: A Review


Detergents are often used by mankind in daily life for different purposes viz, laundry, washing utensils, cars, carpet cleaning etc. However, it is often reported that detergents contain a number of chemicals which are considered harmful for living organisms if get continuous exposure to it. Among all, detergents are considered as hazardous for the aquatic life especially fishes when these chemicals are released to the riverine system through household sewers, laundry waste etc. The aim of this review work is to highlight the adverse effects caused by the detergent water to fishes ultimately leading to the disruption of human physiology as fishes are consumed by the human. Fishes also contribute to mankind economically, so disruption to them may also affect the economic background too. Secondary data from Google Scholar, PubMed, Shodh Ganga etc. were used to compile information regarding the present review work. From the present study it can be concluded that chemicals like Sodium dodecyl sulphate, phospates, LABS, PEG’s that are present in different detergents have adverse effects on fish lives. TIDE is detergent that we use in our homes in a regular basis but, the EPA considers this chemical solvent to be carcinogenic if ingested.Another toxin is phthalates used for the fragrances in detergents, which can negatively affect reproductive systems, endocrine systems, and infant development. However, further experimental works might help researchers to find certain eco-friendly cleaning agents as substitutes of synthetic detergents to be used in daily lives.

Seujpriya Borah

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