e-ISSN No.:2581-3897
Development of a Simple, Easy, and Convenient Method for Cock Skeleton Preparation
The primary goal of this study was to prepare the skeleton of cock using quick and convenient techniques for easy learning of avian anatomy. A total of five matured cocks were used to conduct the study. First of all, external observation of all body parts of the cock was done very carefully. After performing euthanasia, the birds were skinned and defleshed by using forceps and scalpels, and then boiled in a 4%-5% solution of soda water for 1 hour. After 90 minutes of cooling, all the bone samples were carefully cleaned up as far as possible, placed into a 10% bleaching water solution for 2 hours-3 hours, and then washed with clean water. Bone samples were left under strong sunlight for 5 hours-7 hours. Finally, the skeleton was prepared using good quality sticking materials and 20-gauge wire to arrange and articulate bony samples. Then it was fixed on a wooden stand. It takes about 15 hours-20 hours to complete the whole process. Finally, for demonstration purposes, the cock skeleton model was placed in a glass chamber.
Masud Parvej*, Akhi Paul, Hemayet Hossain, Momotaj Hossen, Muhammad Nazrul Islam
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