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Ensuring the safety and performance of small scale wiind turbine using DAQ for the conversion of wind turbine energy is monitored and vibration analysis to calculate the life time of the wind turbine. A Data Acquisition System composed of a mocro controller and a series of resistors are used to measure the current and voltage and calculate the corresponding power and wind turbine.Using serial port,data are sent to personal computer(PC). The data transferred to the PC are recorded to a text file using a proposed-designed program for this system.Wind power system is one type of renewable energy and small wind power system is widely used in home-used system.Small wind power system can be constructed with materials which can be easily got with in local market.This paper provided a cost effective solution to avoid the malfunctioning of the system in worst case conditions.Better performance can be achieved by taking all other effective parameters such as pressure , humidity etc in to consideration.A modified Cost Effective Data Acquisition and integration system along with direct digital storage replaces the conventional radio tape storage techniques in use.Wind power generation and distribution along with the support from electric grid/board is expected to provide a greater employment opportunity to a considerable mass.

Dr.K.Ravichandrudu, Jhansi Rani, YN.Vijay Kumar

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