e-ISSN: 2347-7857 p-ISSN: 2347-7849

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Short Communication Open Access

Formulation and Evaluation of the Polyherbal Gel Prepared Using Carbopol 934 for Treating Skin Diseases in Comparison with Ointment Using Emulsifying Ointment.


Present study deals with Topical Drug Delivery system composed of polyherbals including Neem, Tulsi, Aloe and Fenugreek which are having Antifungal and Antibacterial activity in the form of gel, were formulated using gelling agent as Carbopol 934 and was compared with ointment prepared by taking same herbal drugs using emulsifying ointment base B. P. The gels and ointments were evaluated for various physicochemical parameters like pH, viscocity, spreadability, skin irritation test and microbial evaluations. Among the various formulations prepared for each of the gel and ointment, increasing concentrations of each of the herbal extracts were used from 1 to 10% w/w and thereof these compositions having concentrations 2 to 5% w/w give best results as per the preliminary studies of appearance, viscosity, spreadability and uniformity. Microbial evaluation of the gel showed that greater diffusion and inhibition was observed for gel formulation composed of 5% herbal extract.

Prasanna A Datar

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