e-ISSN No.:2581-3897
Impact of Coronavirus Pandemic on Sustaining Early Life: Health and Well-Being of People and Pets
The global societal and public health landscape became forever altered since late 2019 and early 2020 by the appearance of a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, that resulted in the pandemic of COVID-19 disease. Scientific research and clinical understanding of the role and impact of this virus and it’s evolving mutant strains is ongoing along with the rapid availability of the initial and subsequent vaccines that afford protection with minimal side effects. For the coronaviruses of companion animals, livestock, poultry, and wildlife, which do not directly affect humans, their prevalence cause clinical respiratory and enteric diseases of the very young and an economic hardship for the livestock, and poultry industries. Importantly, more accurate and transparent reporting of knowledge is needed here to offset misinformation, public panic and even fraud.
W. Jean Dodds*
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