ISSN: 2347-7830

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Research Article Open Access

Incremental Factor Catalyzing Climate Change


The change of climate across Europe is noticeable for its residents. It is widely accepted that the primary causal factor is the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration. However, many of the observable changes are related to a disturbed humidity. This is particularly evident in the effects on vegetation and progressive desertification. Lack of access to fresh water is a growing problem that often results in humanitarian crises on a massive scale. The primary supply that replenishes freshwater reserves is the inflow of sea moisture over the continents. This is the natural equivalent of the distillation process with this water feeding into rivers, lakes and underground deposits. Critical here is the barrier at the land/water frontier. The obstructions in this zone define the climate of the continent. The most spectacular natural barrier are the Andean ranges accountable for the formation of the desert areas of Chile. Until recently, the only man-made structures were coastal resort buildings. Over the past two decades, however, there has been an explosion of offshore wind farms. The scale of the development is so enormous that the number of European skyscrapers has long since been surpassed by even taller wind turbines. Detecting changes in atmospheric humidity resulting from wind farms is not easy. The impact is still not immense. Here we encounter a problem analogous to CO2, when a negligible change in physical parameters, in the long term with permanent affect has the potential for climate alteration. In my research, I have demonstrated the first evidence confirming the theory. Offshore wind farms are a new factor responsible for the desertification of Europe.

Mikolaj Kuca*

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