e-ISSN No.:2581-3897
Intestinal Herniation into the Right Ventral Abdomen in a Broiler
Abdominal hernias in birds are often not clearly described. A 5-week-old female broiler was presented with a history of abdominal swelling for 3 days followed by sudden death. Herniation in avian species is very rare. Necropsy examination revealed a 5-6 cm sphere-shaped swelling on the right ventral abdomen. On incision of skin, a hernial sac (lined by peritoneal covering) comprising intestinal tract starting from duodenum till caecum was found protruding through an abnormal foramen (about 1-2 cm) of the abdominal muscle into the subcutaneous region of abdominal cavity. Mild congestion of intestinal serosa and mucosal haemorrhages (multifocal) were observed in the hernial sac. The part of pancreas involved in hernia showed multifocal hemorrhage. A cystic dilatation of the mesentery of size 1-2 cm with transparent serous fluid was observed. In the abdominal cavity, intestinal parts (colon and rectum), spleen, kidney and reproductive tract showed mild congestion. Histopathologically, intestinal mucosa revealed moderate hemorrhage, along with inflammation by heterophils, lymphocytes and macrophages. Mesentric fat and Pancreas also revealed mild degree of congestion and haemorrhage. A focal area of liver showed hypertrophied hepatocytes with narrowed sinusoidal space and mild inflammatory infiltrates by heterophils. Feeding of high energy diets to broilers lead to obesity and also serve as a drive for weakness of abdominal muscles by infiltration of fat which would cause gradual stretching of the abdominal musculature, leading to hernia. This case was diagnosed as Intestinal Herniation into the right ventral abdomen in a 5-week-old female broiler.
Jyothi Priya R and Poorani K
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