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Research Article Open Access

Medication Compliance in Israeli Children with ADHD: A Cross Sectional Study


Objective: To assess the compliance of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to medical recommendations and to identify the factors associated with drug adherence.

Methods: The degree of compliance to medical recommendations and associated factors were assessed by a questionnaire answered by parents of 140 children with ADHD attending two ADHD clinics.

Results: 58% of the participants were compliant (43% fully, 15% mostly) to medical recommendations. Compliance was positively correlated with enhanced severity of behavioral problems at school; and negatively correlated with academic achievements, social status, and the child's conduct at home. The following factors did not influence compliance: age and gender, parental characteristics (educational status, prejudice against medications, and satisfaction with the diagnostic process) and type of clinic.

Conclusion: The factors associated with medical compliance in Israeli children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are primarily related to the effect of the symptoms on their academic and social life.

Dana Lazar Bar-David, Idit Goldstein-Glikser*, Tally Lerman-Sagie

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