e-ISSN No.:2581-3897

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Research Article Open Access

The Reasons, Herd Characteristics and Management of Indigenous Gogo Sheep in Central Tanzania


A study was conducted to describe factors motivating farmers to keeping indigenous Gogo sheep in central Tanzania. Perceived reasons, herd characteristics and management aspects of indigenous Gogo sheep were studied. The information is essential on ranking decision in priority for sheep characterization in the country. A total of 84 sheep farmers in Chamwino, Kongwa and Mpwapwa districts of Dodoma region were interviewed using questionnaire customized to the study objective. The name “Gogo” sheep was found to be named after the tribe name “Gogo people”, are the native people in Dodoma regional. Income and food security were the main reasons. The population of Gogo sheep were perceived to increase in the study areas. The sheep are treated under very low management production system, still they perform. Strategies to characterize and conserve the sheep strain should be considered since the sheep breed/strain seems to be important for the native Gogo people of central Tanzania.

Nziku ZC, Katule A, Chenyambuga SW, Mruttu H

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