e-ISSN: 2347-7857 p-ISSN: 2347-7849

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Review Article Open Access

Unleashing the Therapeutic Applications of Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery Systems


Background: The ultimate aim of nanotechnology is to revolutionize the healthcare industry through its interventions. It has a significant impact on how modern medications are formulated, targeted, and delivered with regulated dosage. Innovations in nanoparticle engineering and our knowledge of the significance of nanoparticle features like form, size, and surface quality for biological interactions are opening up new opportunities for the synthesis of therapeutic nanoparticles.

Methods and findings: With the emergence of precise drug delivery systems to treat a range of neurological diseases, nanotechnology is being used extensively in the biomedical field. It is used for the creation of extremely sensitive Nano diagnostic equipment’s that make use of nano sized particles and structures. The biochemical and biophysical characteristics of the targeted drugs chosen for therapy are the primary factors considered while choosing the best nano drug delivery technology.

Conclusions: As a result, the potential of nanoparticles to enable enhanced distribution of poorly soluble drugs has started to dominate and modify the entire therapeutic paradigm of various drug delivery technologies to treat diseases, which will aid in improving the lives of a large population.

 Sheetal Budhiraja*, Sheza Zaidi

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