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Research Article Open Access

VHDL Implementation of Non Restoring Division Algorithm Using High Speed Adder/Subtractor


Binary division is basically a procedure to determine how many times the divisor D divides the dividend B thus resulting in the quotient Q. At each step in the process the divisor D either divides B into a group of bits or it does not. The divisor divides a group of bits when the divisor has a value less than or equal to the value of those bits. Therefore, the quotient is either 1 or 0. The division algorithm performs either an addition or subtraction based on the signs of the divisor and the partial remainder. There are number of binary division algorithm like Digit Recurrence Algorithm restoring, non-restoring and SRT Division (Sweeney, Robertson, and Tocher), Multiplicative Algorithm, Approximation Algorithms, CORDIC Algorithm and Continued Product Algorithm. This paper focus on the digit recurrence non restoring division algorithm, Non restoring division algorithm is designed using high speed subtractor and adder. High speed adder and subtractor are used to speed up the operation of division. Designing of this division algorithm is done by using VHDL and simulated using Xilinx ISE 8.1i software has been used and implemented on FPGA xc3s100e-5vq100.

Sukhmeet Kaur, Suman, Manpreet Singh Manna, Rajeev Agarwal

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