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Displacement prediction of foundation pit retaining structure based on multiple response surfaces

International Conference on Structural and Civil Engineering Research

June 06-07, 2019 | Paris, France

Jiang Kaiyu, Gong Weiming and Dai Guoliang

Southeast University, China

ScientificTracks Abstracts: JET


The displacement prediction of retaining structure is a key problem in foundation pit engineering which has many influencing factors and the function is highly non-linear, so there are some shortcomings such as low accuracy, slow convergence and heavy calculation when using traditional response surface prediction. The displacement prediction model using improved multiple response surfaces (MRS) is proposed to solve such problems. Taking the shear strength parameters of soil as the key design variables, taking the displacement of diaphragm wall retaining structure (DWRS) at different working conditions and different depths as the target parameters, the response surfaces between design variables and target parameters are established combining uniform test design method and ACE non-parametric regression technology. Based on Monte Carlo simulation technology and least square approximation principle, the original design parameters are inverted by using the monitoring data of existing working conditions and the established MRS. Finally, the displacement prediction of DWRS for following working conditions are obtained based on the modified design parameters. The case study shows that the values of displacement prediction are consistent with measured data based on MRS and the calculation convergence speed is fast, which can be used to guide the design and subsequent construction of foundation pit.


Jiang kaiyu is pursuing PhD degree in Southeast University and also a Teacher in Chongqing three Gorges University from China. His major research area is composite foundation and foundation pit engineering. He has published more than eight papers in reputed journals.
