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Dissipation of seismic energy of the building by using engineered cladding system

International Conference on Structural and Civil Engineering Research

June 06-07, 2019 | Paris, France

Arjana Hasani, Aguljeln Marku and Nikolla Vesho

POLIS University, Albania

ScientificTracks Abstracts: JET


Earthquakes, as we all know, are one of the worst natural disasters which have a potential to cause damages, disturbance to infrastructure and lifeline facilities. Therefore, the seismic design of the structure is very important for the behaviour of the structure and its seismic performance. Cladding panels are those precast elements which resist and transfer negligible load from other elements of the structure. This project examines the seismic energy dissipation potential of the structure by focusing on new specific joint to connect the cladding system with the main structure��?s frame. If we consider the traditional joint, we can say that the connection consist of rigid restraints of cladding panels resulting in seismic design that only considers the panel self-weight. This means that the contribution of the cladding system to the behaviour of the structure is negligible. Several studies have been carried out to study the interaction between the cladding system and the structure during seismic action. It has been concluded that if we are dealing with seismic design, the cladding system is capable of dissipating seismic energy. The objectives to be achieved for this study are to analyze the seismic reaction of the two buildings with simple cladding system panels; and with engineered cladding system panels (new special connection). Sub-objectives are analysis of different cladding systems and technology of joining panels; design of new joints that will be used as dissipation of seismic energy elements and study the interaction between cladding system and the structure during seismic events.
Methodology: Modelling a high building reinforced concrete/steel on ETABS, taking in consideration a specific earthquake as reference for the two cases mentioned above


Arjana Hasani has completed her Master’s in Structural Engineering in 2018 from Polis University Albania. She has been working in two different construction companies as part of project team (structural team). Currently, she works as Teaching Assistant at the Polis University in Civil Engineering sector in different courses such as Statics, Construction Science and Foundation’s Design. She has been part of many different trainings and international conferences such as: Geotechnical and Civil Engineering European Conference (October 2015); Digital YouthQuake, Belgrade (October 2016); Course ‘New Construction Technologies’, Prof Dr Luljeta Bozo 66th Geomechanics Colloquium, Salzburg 11th to 13th October 2017; 2nd International Students Science Congress, 4-5 May, Izmir, Turkey.
