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 Bryology is the branch of botany which deals with the scientific study of bryophytes like mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Bryologists are people who have an active interest in observing, recording, classifying or researching bryophytes. The major areas of research include bryophyte taxonomy, bryophytes as bioindicators, DNA sequencing, and the interdependency of bryophytes and other plant and animal species.

Related Journals of Brylogy

Research and Reviews Journal of Botanical ScienceAgriculture and Allied SciencesInternational Journal of Plant Animal and Environmental Sciences, Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Annals of Botany, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Research Journal of Botany,  International Journal of Botany, New Zealand Journal of Botany.