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2018: Volume 7, Issue 1

Review Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Castor Oil and its Derivatives with Market Growth, Commercial Perspective: Review
Omprakash H Nautiyal
Research Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Synthesis and Biological Assessment of New 1,2,4-Triazole Derivatives
Singala PM, Talpara PK and Shah VH
Research Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
A Correlation of the Drug Activities (Anti-Bacterial) in the Structure of Some Hetero Cyclic Compound Containing Benzimidazole and Beta-Lactam Moiety in terms of the Density Functional Descriptors - A QSAR and QSPR Study
Sandip Kumar Rajak
Research Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Studies of Novel 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Derivatives
Darshansinh AR, Acharya GD and Govindkumar RV
Research Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Development and Validation of a Separation and Quantification Method for Residual Solvents in Active Substances by Headspace Gas Chromatography
Kaouthar Louati, Mouna Sayadi and Fathi Safta
Mini Review:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
A Therapeutic Journey of Semicarbazide and Thio Semicarbazide Derivatives and their Transition Metals Complexes: Mini Review
Salah BA, Kandil AT and Abd El-Nasser MG
Research Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Preparation, Characterization and Study of Biological and Structural Optimization of Ni and Cu Complexes
Salah BA, Kandil AT and Abd El-Nasser MG
Research Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Chlorophyll Accumulation and In Vivo Studies on Protochlorophyllide Pool in Wheat Seedlings Grown Under Red Light Photoperiods
Suchi Sood and Baishnab C Tripathy