ISSN: 2322-0066

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Case Report Open Access

Severe Tumoral Calcinosis In Patient With Chronic Kidney Disease


Tumoral calcinosis is a rare condition characterized by the deposition of calcium material in extra-articular soft tissues taking a tumoral form. It can be primary or secondary. The chronic kidney disease is among cause of metastatic calcifications but the extensive periarticular cyst-like calcium salt containing space-consuming lesions in the form of tumoral calcinosis is very rare. Different factors predispose the dialysis patient to calcium salt deposits. We report a case of 61 years-old-patient with chronic kidney disease under periodic hemodialysis due to hypertensive nephropathy who developed mechanical pain, evolving since three months, in the left hip, the upper extremity of the right leg and both shoulders with swelling and limited movement interfering with daily activity. The severe TC was diagnosed by the radiography and MRI requiring the modification of treatment strategy

Kawtar Nassar, Saadia Janani

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