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Research & Reviews: Research Journal of Biology : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (111)
image  airborne alternaria and cladosporium fungal spores in europe: forecasting possibilities and relationships with meteorological parameters
image  plant pathogenic alternaria species in libya
image  mycotoxins in harvested fruits and vegetables: insights in producing fungi, biological role, conducive conditions, and tools to manage postharvest contamination
image  antagonistic assessment of trichoderma spp. by producing volatile and non-volatile compounds against different fungal pathogens
image  a few ascomycota taxa dominate soil fungal communities worldwide
image  notes for genera: ascomycota
image Novel haplotype combinations reveal enhanced seedling vigor traits in rice that can accurately predict dry biomass accumulation in seedlings.
image Novel haplotype combinations reveal enhanced seedling vigor traits in rice that can accurately predict dry biomass accumulation in seedlings.
image Crop establishment in direct-seeded rice: traits, physiology, and genetics
image Identification of quantitative trait loci governing early germination and seedling vigor traits related to weed competitive ability in rice.
image Green super rice (gsr) traits: breeding and genetics for multiple biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in rice
image The effect of exposure to a combination of stressors on rice productivity and grain yields
image Mapping qtl hotspots associated with weed competitive traits in backcross population derived from oryza sativa l. and o. glaberrima steud.
image Identification of seedling vigor-associated quantitative trait loci in temperate japonica rice
image Superior adaptation of aerobic rice under drought stress in iran and validation test of linked ssr markers to major qtls by mlm analysis across two years.
image Genetic dissection of seedling vigour in a diverse panel from the 3,000 rice (oryza sativa l.) genome project.
image Qtl hotspots for early vigor and related traits under dry direct-seeded system in rice (oryza sativa l.).
image Population structure, diversity and trait association analysis in rice (oryza sativa l.) germplasm for early seedling vigor (esv) using trait linked ssr markers
image Early seedling vigour, an imperative trait for direct-seeded rice: an overview on physio-morphological parameters and molecular markers
image Early seedling vigour, an imperative trait for direct-seeded rice: an overview on physio-morphological parameters and molecular markers