ISSN: 2320-2459
The Fundamental Factorial Foundations of the Act or Process of Creation
In the introduction of this paper I detail how I was able to “logically deduce” a set of “fundamental parameters”, as well as a “testable hypothesis”, directly and specifically related to the “fundamental act”, or “process” of the creation of the “original single point” of physical/spatial reference from which our entire universe was, thereby, directly and precisely “expanded/copied” from immediately following this specific “moment of creation”. I then provide in “section I" the details of how I was able to directly derive a very specific set of six odd numbered “factors of one” along with four “other factors” from the (186,300) value for the speed of light, precisely as I had “predicted" within the “testable hypothesis”. Then, in “sections II and III", I use this same set of ten fundamental factors of the process of creation to, in fact, provide the precise solutions for two of the biggest and long standing problems facing the modern day physics community. A completely “unified field theory/model" for the four forces of nature, and, a precisely derived and calculated solution to, and the correct equation for, the “observed/measure value" of the cosmological constant ~(7) × (10)-30 (g/cm)3. And therefore, given the extremely precise, directly derived, very well constructed and rather strongly validated nature of the material presented within this paper.
Cory John Carr
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