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2023: Volume 11, Issue 2

Opinion Article:  RRJOB
Diagnosis and Treatment Options of the Cerebrospinal Meningitis
Roberto Intilla
Opinion Article:  RRJOB
Haematology: A Comprehensive Guide to Blood and its Disorders
Roberto Intilla
Perspective Article:  RRJOB
Biological Oceanography and Distribution Factors in Marine Biology
Peter Bazoukis
Perspective Article:  RRJOB
Importance of Digestive Enzymes for Optimal Digestive Health
Peter Bazoukis
Commentary:  RRJOB
Medical Genetics: Clinical Practice and Treatment Options
Roberto Intilla
Review Article:  RRJOB
Medicinal use of Solanum Xanthocarpum
Pooja Rathore*, Sameer Bhagyawant, Neha Gupta
Commentary:  RRJOB
Different Metabolic Pathways and Their Role in Carbohydrate Metabolism
Tarun Krishna
Commentary:  RRJOB
The Changing the Paradigm in Prognostic Breast Cancer Testing Based on Extracellular Vesicles
Malgorzata A. Witek*, Steven A. Soper, Andrew K. Godwin
Research Article:  RRJOB
A non-tissue culture-dependent approach for genetic transformation of Marchantia polymorpha L.
Lan Zhang, Ning Xu, Jianming Man, Luo Rui*
Opinion Article:  RRJOB
Inner and Outer Membrane Functions of Mitochondria
Santosh Gopal