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Siranjeevi Nagaraj

Siranjeevi Nagaraj

Siranjeevi Nagaraj

Early stage Researcher (Marie- Curie Fellow),

Polish Academy of Science Warsaw,





Siranjeevi Nagaraj studied Biotechnology in his Bachelors ( B. Tech-PSG TECH ) and Masters ( KCT ) and awarded with First class with distinction degree from Anna University, He has been awarded internship/short term fellowship/travel grants from various institutes from India (IITs), Taiwan (Academica sinica), Singapore (National university of Singapore) , Germany (EMBL), Austria (BOKU) and Australia (University of Queensland). Working on Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) during his Master’s internship at National University of Singapore he acquired interest on Neurodegenerative diseases. Currently, he works on non –invasive approach based biomarker identification for Alzheimer, as an early stage researcher in European union funded project under Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions research fellowship at Nencki institute of experimental biology of Polish Academy of Science, Poland and Centro de Investigaciones Biologicasv, Madrid, Spain


Research Interest

Neurodegenerative disease
Molecular biology and structural biology of proteins
Macromolecules in signal transduction