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Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (524)
image Wani, m. r., & khan, s. correlation analysis for biochemical aspects of isolated mutants of faba bean shahnawaz khursheed1.
image 周晓莹, 梁玉, 董智, 李红丽, 张梦璇, 韩秀峰, 范小莉, 房用. 印度梨形孢对黑松幼苗生长量及其根系形态的动态影响. 山东大学学报 (理学版). 2018 jul 3;53(7):7-14.
image Action, o., raina, a., ansari, s. b., khursheed, s., wani, m. r., khan, s., & bhat, t. a. mutagens, their types and mechanism. mutagenesis, cytotoxicity and crop improvement, 11.
image Chhabra s, dowling dn. endophyte-promoted nutrient acquisition: phosphorus and iron. functional importance of the plant microbiome. 2017:21-42.
image Nath m, bhatt d, prasad r, tuteja n. reactive oxygen species (ros) metabolism and signaling in plant-mycorrhizal association under biotic and abiotic stress conditions. inmycorrhiza-eco-physiology, secondary metabolites, nanomaterials 2017 (pp. 223-232). springer, cham.
image Goyal, s., wani, m. r., raina, a., laskar, r. a., & khan, s. (2021). phenotypic diversity in mutagenized population of urdbean (vigna mungo (l.) hepper). heliyon, 7(5), e06356.
image Raina, a., & khan, s. (2020). increasing rice grain yield under biotic stresses: mutagenesis, transgenics and genomics approaches. in rice research for quality improvement: genomics and genetic engineering (pp. 149-178). springer, singapore.
image Raina, a., khan, s., wani, m. r., laskar, r. a., & mushtaq, w. (2019). chickpea (cicer arietinum l.) cytogenetics, genetic diversity and breeding. in advances in plant breeding strategies: legumes (pp. 53-112). springer, cham.
image Ghimire dr. empowering women producers through value chain development in commercial vegetable farming for improved livelihood and food security. journal of forest and livelihood. 2020 aug;19:1.
image Ibrahim fm. willingness to pay for irrigation technology: the role of perceived benefits and barriers among cohort of vegetable farmers in southwest nigeria. nigeria agricultural journal. 2021 apr 30;52(1):61-9.
image Joshi np, piya l. determinants of small-scale commercial vegetable farming among vegetable growers in nepal. sage open. 2021 apr;11(2):21582440211010168.
image Gyawali p, khanal s, joshi jr. crop protection practices in traditional agriculture in mid-hills of western nepal: a case of palpa and gulmi district. international journal of applied sciences and biotechnology. 2021 jun 28;9(2):138-51.
image Yelni, g., syarif, z., kasim, m., & hayati, p. d. (2019). meningkatkan keragaman genetik bawang putih (allium sativum l.) melalui mutasi irradiasi gamma. jurnal sains agro, 4(2).
image Kzier, a. m., & manea, a. i. effect bio-fertilizer (mycorrhiza) and organic fertilizer on growth and yield of green onion.
image Aisyawati, l., & purwanti, e. w. (2021, february). growth and yields of shallot (allium cepa l.) as responses to the combination of inorganic and organic fertilizers enriched with functional microbes. in iop conference series: earth and environmental science (vol. 653, no. 1, p. 012078). iop publishing.
image Zaki, a. y., & aly, a. i. (2019). diversity and abundance of spider and other soil animals as influenced by fertilization and their effect on yield of onion at fayoum governorate, egypt. acarines: journal of the egyptian society of acarology, 13(1), 57-72.
image Mishra a, jha sk, ojha p. study on zero energy cool chamber (zecc) for storage of vegetables. int. j. sci. res. publ. 2020;10(1):p9767.
image Septiyan, d. i., & soemarno, s. (2019). karakteristik lahan untuk tanaman bawang putih (allium sativum l.) pada inceptisol dan alfisol di kecamatan pujon, malang. jurnal tanah dan sumberdaya lahan, 6(2), 1391-1403.
image Haryanta, d., thohiron, m., & gunawan, b. (2019, february). study of onion growth (allium ascalonicum l.) using sediment soil media and urban waste compos. in iop conference series: earth and environmental science (vol. 230, no. 1, p. 012086). iop publishing.