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Cordoba BV

Centre for Food Research and Development


Cordoba BV is a Scientist at Centre for Food Research and Development, Mexico. She received a Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Food Science from University of British Columbia, Canada in the year of 1992. She is a graduated in Chemistry from Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico in the year of 1978, with an immediate post-graduation in Food Science from University of British Columbia, Canada in 1984. She served as a Scientist for 8 years) in Centre for Food Research and Development, Mexico. As a Scientist, she is a recipient of many awards for her valuable contributions and discoveries in Food Science. Her research interests, as a Scientist lie in Functional Foods, Lactic acid bacteria, Modernization of traditional processes in cheese, Correlation analytical and sensory data involved in taste and aroma of food, Sensory evaluation of food shelf life, Characterization compounds responsible for flavour and aroma national Distillates. Her area of expertise, as a Scientist credits her with many publications in national and international journals.

Research Interest

Functional Foods, Lactic acid bacteria, Modernization of traditional processes in cheese